2006-9-21 03:51:00
[Editor's Note: The text of the original article was edited by JJ Dewey and re-published below.]
This is similar to the principle of planting and harvesting but different. In the previous principle the seeker experimented with truth by testing a belief through embracing it and testing the results.
A seed thought is not a belief. Instead, it is just a thought that is designed to stimulate and lead to more thought. As it leads to various lines and branches of thought the seeker then uses his soul to register whatever truth is exposed in that which comes forth.
Any phrase that stimulates additional thought can be a seed thought. A seed thought is basically any thought, sentence, phrase, or idea that you choose to focus on with contemplation over a period of time. Because all words are symbols of some truth all seed thoughts have the capacity to generate higher realization.
Some teachers have emphasized having a monthly seed thought and this is not a bad idea, but I recommend having at least three working out within you at all times.
Plant a seed thought in your mind and heart, and feed this thought with contemplation and meditation. Observe the fruit that comes forth, and accept that which is sweet and registers with your soul.
Here are six sample seed thoughts given out by DK (Djwhal Khul) to a disciple. He was to use one a month over a period of six months.
"First month: Let the song of the soul be sounded forth by me, and the clear high notes bring peace and joy to others. My word today is Joy.
"Second month: Let the quality of the soul be seen in me, the quality of love. It is a love which visions not the little forms of self, but the One Self in all. My quality today is self Forgetfulness.
"Third month: Let the word of my soul go forth in strength to others. That word for me, in this short period of my life, is Understanding.
"Fourth month: Let the vision of my mind be clear and sure; its outline true and real. That vision is one of mankind's need, of suffering and of pain, for it is there in all the world. The key for me today is Service.
"Fifth month: Let the glory of the Lord Who is my life, be seen. That glory is the glory of the One. Distinction and all differences fade away. The word that is for me the meaning of that life is Identification.
"Sixth month: Let the actions of the soul be the motives of my daily life. I am that soul and unto that I dedicate myself. That soul is one in all my fellow men and I am one with them. The keynote of the action of the soul is Sacrifice."
(Discipleship in the New Age Vol 1, Page 565, by Alice A. Bailey)
These are more lengthy than other seed thoughts he gave out but these suffice to make the point.
Profound scriptures also make good seed thoughts.
Here are a few good ones:
"The truth shall make you free."
"In righteousness does he judge and make war."
"The kingdom of God is within."
"Love never fails."
"Except you become as a little child you shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven."
"I am the light of the world."
Pick a seed thought and contemplate it a few minutes three times a day and see what additional thoughts come from it. See if your soul recognizes some additional light from this. Do this for a few days and let us know of your experience.
"It is as hard to see one's self as to look backwards without turning around."
-- Henry David Thoreau
Copyright © 2006 by J.J. Dewey, All Rights Reserved