Principles Of Discovery -- Principle 21

2006-9-6 06:32:00

[Editor's Note:   The text of the original article was edited by JJ Dewey and re-published below.]


Principle 21:   Ask Questions!

This seems to be a very simple principle of discovery, but you would be surprised at how overlooked it is, perhaps even with yourself. The problem with the discovery of truth is that if the seeker isn't asking questions and seeking the answer to such questions he will discover very little.

I used to think that most people were like me and had a lot of questions they wanted answered. But what really brought it home to me was an interesting experience where I realized that most do not ask questions until some authority directs them to.

In my younger days I was a bit naive. I was teaching a Sunday School class about the Second Coming of Christ so I thought I would ask a question to the class of about 30 people. Here was the question:

"Let us suppose that the Second Coming had just occurred and Jesus himself was here and you were in his presence. You can ask him any question you desire. What would you ask?"

To my astonishment not one hand went up. There were several in the class I thought were quite spiritual and assumed they were curious like me, but their hands did not budge.

After a moment of uncomfortable silence I picked on one of the more intelligent members. "Surely you would have something you would like to ask Jesus," I said.

He was silent. He couldn't think of anything.

Then I singled out a female who was a dedicated member of the church. "This would be the greatest opportunity people have had for 2000 years. Isn't there anything you would ask him?"

She thought a moment and replied, "I suppose I could ask him how our family could improve on our Monday night family activities."

I gazed on in astonishment. Here in a class of thirty or more people this was the only question anyone could think of. This was the beginning to a personal awakening for me as to how little curiosity there is among the rank-and-file membership.

So now, I throw the question out this question:  Suppose you had a chance to talk with the Christ, God, a Master or higher being who had access to all the mysteries. Is there anything you would ask?