2006-9-5 11:51:00
Ruth writes:
The Christ cannot reappear down here on Earth, until the Lights manifest him to reappear.
Is this correct?
An important point to realize within the overall picture is that he who is the representative of the Christ energy for this earth, the one who appeared through Jesus, is an individual entity with free will just as you and I are. He is merely further along on the path.
He can decide to appear wherever he wants, but, of course, he wants to appear when the opportunity is right.
Think of a parent deciding when he will visit his kid's class at school. If the kid is invoking his father by requesting again and again he come at a certain time then the probability of him appearing at that time may be fairly high. On the other hand, the parent may decide to come when the kid is not expecting it and appear at a completely unexpected time.
DK tells us that the Christ is waiting for the world to acquire a little political stability before he comes so he can work more productively. There also has to be a significant number of people ready to receive what he has to offer.
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