Principles Of Discovery -- Principle 17, Part 2

2006-8-22 05:54:00

[Editor's Note: The text of the original article was edited by JJ Dewey and re-published below.]

The question I previously asked was:

"Name three earned authorities for you and tell us why they have earned that position."

Here are three important to me:

  1. DK, or Djwhal Khul who gave to Alice A. Bailey most of her writings.

There are a number of reasons he is an earned authority with me. The main one being that he touches on a principle that touches my soul in almost every paragraph he writes. No other writer does this for me.

Another reason is that often when I have had things revealed to me through the Oneness Principle I later will be reading DK and discover that he had written about it either directly or indirectly through hints.

I find it interesting that the writings that Alice A. Bailey did by herself rarely say anything that I consider profound, that overall a page of DK's writings equals the light in one of her books -- and her books are pretty good from a standard point of view. The difference testifies that Alice A. Bailey did not write the books attributed to DK.

Now one can say that some tricky evil spirit dictated the DK books, but they definitely did not come from Mrs. Bailey.

I believe the writings come from a true Master of Wisdom and thus when his writings take me into unknown territory I give then strong credibility.

Does this mean I automatically accept all he writes? No, but it does mean I give weight to all he writes. I personally find it amazing as to how much I automatically agree with because of soul confirmation as I read. After 35 years of study there are only two or three things I have on the shelf -- on which I have not received soul confirmation and which I may disagree.

  1. The scriptures.

I say the scriptures because this includes other scriptures than the Bible such as the Aquarian Gospel, Mormon scriptures, and some from the East.

The most powerful of these are the actual words of Jesus.

These are a strong authority with me because I have received soul confirmation on many of the teachings of the scriptures. I have not received a blanket confirmation on any of them but enough so I take them all seriously.

  1. Teachers who have learned a skill, art or application of some kind. There are many good teachers who have reasonable mastery over a skill and are reliable to use as an authority. These are practical teachers recognized by the world, but when we get to the area of spirituality or metaphysics true authorities are few and far between.


"The Pilgrim, as he walks upon the Road, must have the open ear, the giving hand, the silent tongue, the chastened heart, the golden voice, the rapid foot, and the open eye which sees the light. He knows he travels not alone."
  -- Djwhal Khul (DK)