2006-8-18 05:23:00
[Editor's Note: The text of the original article was edited by JJ Dewey and re-published below.]
I have found many hidden morsels of truth by using this principle. A natural suspicion has always arisen in me when I have seen a belief being widely accepted that has not been positively proven.
Often is the case that I have asked myself, "Is this true, just because the vast majority says so?" Then I did something that most do not do. I ask "what if the opposite were true?" Is there any logic to support it?
Global warming is a good example. Almost all the media and visible authorities believe the earth is warming and man is the cause. On the other hand, I have found from my research that the opposite may be true.
Then one must also look at the majority belief within groups, even small groups, for all groups are influenced by the general thoughtform created from its members.
For instance, a majority belief among those who reject global warming seems to be that they think it is their right to drive as big of a gas guzzler as they want and by damn they'll go out of their way to drive what they want.
They may have this right but we all have a responsibility to apply the Law of Economy and use only those limited resources that we need and avoid waste and pollution as much as possible.
Here are some fairly universally accepted religious beliefs to which I have applied this principle:
He is? How do you know this?
Everyone believes this, but why? They have no evidence.
And we know this because? Maybe if he was all powerful things would be different in this world.
Maybe he's not interested in what you are thinking.
What the reason for thinking this? The universe is a big place. Maybe just the earth is a big enough job for a savior.
Maybe not.
Maybe not. Maybe it is something everyone has overlooked.
Maybe it is if we consider reincarnation.
Always be suspicious when you see a belief that is gaining great popularity and look in the opposite direction. In that direction is much truth to be found.
If you can think of any interesting bits of enlightenment you have found by looking in the opposite direction of the majority let us know.
There is no darkness and no fog. There is no night or day. There are no storms nor peace, no rest nor strife; only the steadfast will of God which works toward good.
-- Djwahl Khul (DK)
Copyright © 2006 by J.J. Dewey, All Rights Reserved