The Wealthy and the Poor

2006-8-15 06:17:00

Commentary on Revelation 18 Continued

The Wealthy and the Poor

Many teachers (religious and not so religious) in the past have condemned the rich, or those who have abundance. Some have gone so far to condemn them just for the fact they have wealth and this is not just. Perhaps the wealthy man has been much more just and helpful to humanity than the poor man the preacher praises.

One must remember that money, power and sex do not create Babylon, but its misuse and dedication toward self is what creates the problem.

It is easy for the poor to sit back and condemn the rich for not giving more - in fact sometimes they are condemned for not giving all they have.

Sometimes the poor sit in judgment and think to themselves that if they had wealth they would set the right example and give most of it away.

If you want to see real misuse of money look at what happens when the poor (who are not used to handling money) strike it rich. This happens regularly with lottery winners. Most of those who play the lottery are lower income and often on welfare. In most cases a year or two after they win they are in worse shape than ever. What usually happens is they start handing out some money to family and friends. Then the family and friends and people he hasn't seen in years come back with their hand out or offer some get-rich-quick scheme. He gives away money for a while and then holds back when he sees it's going down a black hole. After that all hell breaks lose and all his friends turn on him. Soon, not only is his money gone, but he is deeply in debt and with no friends. In story after story the lottery winner states that his life would have been much better if he had never won the money.

Here is a web page with the stories of eight such lottery winners.

The wealthy may be far from perfect but at least they provide employment and self sufficiency for many, sometimes for a lifetime. However, when the poor strike it rich they help a few freeloaders for a short time and then it's all gone.

The critical poor who do not strike it rich fall into two categories.

  1. Those who are willing to work but just have a difficult time making a living. This is usually a temporary condition as those who are willing, usually, over time earn a comfortable living.
  2. The poor who are poor merely because they do not apply themselves. These would rather have free time than to sacrifice and do what is necessary to get ahead.

The interesting thing is people in this second category will often criticize the rich for not giving more and helping the poor, but in doing this they are showing their hypocrisy.

How is this?

If they really believe those with abundance should give more all they have to do is the same thing that the wealthy are doing and that is to work longer hours with more dedication until they have money themselves. If these poor were to just do what is necessary to get ahead then they could help the poor themselves.

Which person is of greater benefit to his fellow humans?

  1. The wealthy man who gives some to charity, but keeps plenty for himself or
  2. The poor man who gives nothing because he only works hard enough to survive.

In this case the wealthy man is doing much more good in the world than the poor man who cannot help others because he is lazy.

It is time that the lazy poor take their share of criticism for their inability to help their fellowmen.

Do not go where the path may lead; Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail. Ralph Waldo Emerson