Higher Self

2006-8-9 05:46:00

My Friends,

I've been extremely busy and only have time for a short question:

Kevin still has a question which is:

"Is my solar angel supposed to be me (my higher self) or some entity between me and the highest?"


Your solar angel is more like your divine mother who has nourished you from an embryo, or your monad. The source of your monad, or spiritual seed, is your divine Father.

Your higher self is your upper Triad often called Atma-Budha-Manas. These are three higher vehicles wherein consciousness can reside. Since only an advanced disciple can ascend in consciousness to reside in the upper Triad the upper Triad of the regular seeker is occupied by the Solar Angel. From this upper Triad the Solar angel seeks to guide and stimulate you.

When your consciousness then ascends to the upper Triad your Solar Angel returns home and then through the Triad you seek to know your true source, your Father. The conclusion of this step was spoken of by Christ when he said "I and my Father are one."


"There is no darkness and no fog. There is no night or day. There are no storms nor peace, no rest nor strife; only the steadfast will of God which works toward good."
  -- Djwhal Khul (DK), from "Discipleship in the New Age," Vol 1 Page 460, written by Alice A. Bailey