2006-8-6 02:55:00
A reader asks:
I have been wondering about the following things.
From your teachings, I understand that principles are ideas that exist eternally in the formless worlds.
Actually an idea and a principle are two different things. An idea is a concept and if it is a good one it will become clothed in form.
A principle is a description, or picture, of how and why things work and is always applicable. For instance, we just talked about the Lion Principle. This is not an idea but a picture of how we can effective deal with people who roar at us.
I realize that this is where "we" draw our "ideas" from and clothe them in form, and realize that once the form 'ends', that the 'idea' still exists within the formless worlds.
When you speak of "relative perfection", and "eternal progression" towards it; do you mean the relative perfection of the embodiment (form) of the/an idea, exclusive of or inclusive of the idea itself?
Yes, this is what I mean. Ideas are already perfect. For instance, if your idea includes a circle it will be a perfect circle. When clothing this circle with form you try to come as close to the perfect idea of a circle as possible. You may come close but no matter how hard you try you will never get the perfect circle. But you will reach a point where the circle you create will be good enough to get the job done. For instance, the circular form of the tires on your car is good enough so the ride is smooth. Attempting to make your tires more perfectly round is unproductive. Therefore the shape of your tires is relatively perfect as it matches up to the perfect idea of the designer.
I ask for several reasons, and one of the big reasons is that even after I had studied your work (and others), I still had up a "problem" with understanding of how and why the 'progression' of an 'idea' occurred if that in time 'the form ended', but the (original?) idea continued to exist.
Your car with its tires will eventually be destroyed and recycled, but the idea will remain and can be recreated at any time.
Realizing that we also are unable to 'outimagine' God, I was unable to reconcile the purpose of our co-creation of "whatever"--whether it be a song, a computer, etc., if the 'relative perfection' of that idea already existed in the formless worlds (or mind of God), other than possibly that "we" needed the experience; however I also wondered if these were the only reasons; how then would "the eternal idea" progress?
That which is a thought or an idea in the mind of God is a part of the life of God and as the life of God progresses so do its parts progress.
What basically 'concerned' (more towards making me wonder) was that the effect of the entropic decay of the (dense) physical object would have on the associated etheric, astral and mental (and eventually) the 'casual' body--not only as it relates to 'things', but more importantly towards ourselves.
Entropy causes all form to eventually disintegrate whether it be physical, astral or mental, but ideas reside in the atmic spheres and originate in the divine which is eternal.
Then a few months ago, I found a tantalizing idea in Dr. Gerber's "Vibrational Medicine" book in which he talk about the "Tillerman-Einstein Model", where he (and Tillerman) 'theorizes' (paraphrased) that the etheric, astral and mental equivalents of a/any (dense) physical are "faster than light" matter, and therefore will/would exhibit "anti-entropic" qualities.
This may seem to be the case as shape on the plane of the mind can reform quickly and can far outlast the physical, but just as occurs in the physical, intelligent energy must be poured into mental matter to overcome entropy just as happens on the physical plane. It just takes much less energy to maintain the form on the plane of the mind.
Hence, any 'improvements' made on/at the dense physical level (towards relative perfection) would have (literal) "anti-entropic" qualities which would or could be 'passed upwards'--and that further, this was how 'things (ideas?) progressed' or 'developed'.
Entropy is overcome on all three planes of form when intelligent thought and energy are poured into the form.
Of course you would have to read the book/chapters on this as I know I have missed some stuff; and still, if nothing else, the whole notion as presented by Dr Gerber did at least give me some kind of hope of the possibilities of other "anti-entropic" activities may be involved.
The mind has the ability to draw spiritual energy and direct it toward building and evolution so entropy is neutralized.
Hope this helps. Your question touches on the mystery behind all existence which has caused mystics in the past to exclaim: "How great the mystery of Godliness!" and let it go at that for their own sanity.
God loves you just the way you are, but he loves you too much to let you stay that way.
From Junebug - The Movie
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