2006-7-22 07:46:00
Ruth writes:
I for one, am tired of the way that three people can keep posting their own agenda and teachings whilst others here are not wanting this to be so.
Why was JH allowed to post about dualism again? Please explain...
Is JH not moderated?
Let me explain again the main principle we go by: Maximum freedom of expression as long as I am not distracted from giving out the teachings and the group can tolerate the expression. Actually, the members have it easier than me. A lot of them just ignore certain posts and read the ones they like. I have to read virtually all the posts so I can keep a handle on the pulse of the group.
If a member does not like certain types of posts I would recommend that they either push the delete button on that poster or, if they feel the poster is causing too much disturbance, they can complain and if we get several complaints then we will tighten up on the moderation.
We will not ban a member for just rambling on, writing long posts or disagreeing with someone else.
Generally a person would have to be mean spirited, very attacking or threatening to be banned. All other excesses can be controlled through moderation.
Why was JH allowed to post about dualism again?
We try and not be black and white here. Every post that mentions dualism will not be rejected, but if it looks like it will lead to a discussion in that direction then it will. JH did mention dualism but it did not seem to be from an agenda viewpoint and there were other points in his post that were a response to an on topic subject. It did not look like it was going to generate any additional discussion on the subject - and it looks like this assessment was correct.
By the way, JH, Dean and Woody. My writings to you may come across as emotional but are much more mental from where I'm thinking and writing. I know I don't have "men balls," and therefore as a woman am not up there with the men's club on here, and I don't really care, so you can talk about me all you want and assume whatever you want about me, and if I really wanted to "rip into someone," Woody, you and everyone else would know about it, but I mostly try to keep the peace without getting overly upset about all this crap from you guys.
We try and catch all posts that attack with mean spiritedness, but some are a judgment call. We generally let a post pass as long as it doesn't overtly insult someone. If you, or anyone else, feel we have been too tolerant and some posts are too insulting let us know and we will tighten up. Different people have different ideas on what an intolerable insult is so let us know if you think someone has crossed the line.
By the way, some of Woody's posts have given you glowing praise.
Presently there are certain key words we look for such as 'hypocrite' and 'liar,' profanity, etc.
I'm seriously over all your discussions and thoughts on how you all know everything about anything, and that everyone else is not quite correct on any subject, so from now on, I will only be posting the Quotes for the Day, even though at this point in time, I could quite easily leave the Keysters for good (but still learn from and support JJ).
I would hope you do not leave us just because you see a couple posters as know-it-alls. This may be annoying, but it is not a sin, nor a reason to even moderate. The best thing to do if you feel this way is to either ignore such persons or delete their posts.
To be quite honest JJ, this group has become boring with all the doctrine from Dean, Woody and JH.
My posts should be the same quality as ever and there is some good material yet to come so I would suggest you concentrate on them - and those who respond directly to them. I am shifting my attention to deal more with those who are attempting to keep us on topic.
I guess this is their own private agenda, to bore people enough that they will leave the group. So of course, once again, I know, one must use attrition. However, it does get really tiring, and if that sounds emotional, then big deal!
Your emotions are what they are. Nothing to be apologize for and females respond different than males and we males must realize this also. Notice that it is only males that are causing a problem for you. Maybe those who are preaching to us to live beyond dualism need to see beyond the male polarity themselves and be more sensitive to the female nature.
You mentioned something the other day that may be on the mind of others. You said that I have not responded to many of your questions. I try and respond to all I can and must admit that the squeaky wheel gets the grease principle often applies, which is not the fairest thing in the world.
Let me remind the group of this. If you ask a question that is not answered by me or someone else and you really want an answer please ask again and mention that you are asking for the second time. I will then give that question a priority.
I hope you stay on Ruth and keep making your insightful posts. They are much appreciated, especially since you try and stay on topic and are supportive of group protocol. You are often the breath of fresh air the group needs for the day.
Let me make another point about Off Topic (OT) posts. We may have been more tolerant than we should in allowing off base OT's through. These were not designed to be a platform to launch free-for-all discussions that have nothing to do with the class. Their purpose is to allow freedom to add tidbits that the group as a whole will find interesting. In the future if we deem an OT post does not forward class agenda or is not of general interest to the group it may be rejected.
Global Warming Enlightenment: Before a cooling period that began around 1450 the Vikings were growing crops and raising livestock in southwestern Greenland during a warm period that would have alarmed the environmentalists today.
Copyright © 2006 by J J Dewey, All Rights Reserved