2006-7-21 13:16:00
Beth writes:
"Thanks for bringing this up Ash; Go to the National Geographical Channel website at www.nationalgeographic.com where they do have a documentary presently out and photos of Glaciers that have resided. What was once a pile of ice is now a beautiful mountain lake."
Those with a political agenda are only presenting anecdotal evidence to support their view. Some glaciers are growing and others receding. Global warming advocates only show you the ones that are melting.
This is about as logical as earth leaders showing visiting aliens only the warm sunny parts of the earth in order to convince them that the earth is warm everywhere.
Go to this website. It blasts the dickens out of the popular template:
"They show in their documentary on television (just this past week) the group that was taking samples of core ice and checked it for C02. They showed it was higher now than in the past."
It is higher now than in the immediate past. Another slight of hand they do is draw a graph showing that when CO2 goes up global warming also occurs.
The opposite is true. Whenever the earth warms up the oceans and forests automatically give off more CO2. The warming occurs first and then the levels of CO2 rise shortly thereafter.
This only proves that global warming produces more CO2, not that CO2 produces global warming.
"The core ice experiments may also be faulty as various increments in time the ice may have melted, and well, we can't check that because it's gone off to the sea. The pictures however are interesting (and pretty)."
Ice core samples are tricky. They have rings like trees and scientists thought that each ring stood for one year but it has recently been shown that such rings can be created by temperature changes over days, not years. This was made clear when a World War II plane was found in some Arctic ice where the standard dating process showed it should have been thousands of years old.
"We can't deny that something is happening, but we can't say it's a disaster related to global warming. I'm up for just doing some sailing on a clean lake."
Something is always going on with the earth, but what is always the question. We can't find out by following a blind political agenda. We have to look at the real data no matter where it leads.
I think it is a good idea to slow down man-made emissions, but the global warming advocates are mostly against the only real possibility in doing this, which is currently nuclear energy. Conservation, wind and solar will not even keep us at the status quo.
Global Warming Enlightenment:
Myth: Mankind is pumping out carbon dioxide at a prodigious rate.
Fact: 96.5 percent of all carbon dioxide emissions are from natural sources, mankind is responsible for only 3.5 percent, with 0.6 percent coming from fuel to move vehicles, and about 1 percent from fuel to heat buildings. Yet vehicle fuel (petrol) is taxed at 300 percent while fuel to heat buildings is taxed at 5 percent even though buildings emit nearly twice as much carbon dioxide!
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