2006-7-7 11:38:00
Ruth asks:
Thank you for answering my questions JJ. However, I thought you taught that the Christ will reappear in about 22 years time, and now it may take a lot longer??? Like in the next one thousand years, phew.
There has been no change in my teaching which is basically this.
The gathering of lights needs to be securely under way by 2025-2030.
A gathering is necessary to give the Christ disciples ready to receive higher things.
Sometime between now and then he will either overshadow or co-occupy the bodies of disciples. This is the way he came last time.
It is always an option that he will come in a body of his own but whether or not this will occur has not been given. I assume that if it does not happen in the first part of his coming that it could happen later on.
You can get everything in life you want if you will just help enough other people get what they want.
Zig Ziglar, "Secrets of Closing the Sale", 1984
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