2006-7-2 02:30:00
Just think how does the extremist see it? Does he think he is being extreme? Or does he think that he is doing exactly what god wants him to do.
That has nothing to do with my point or your point, for that matter. You said: "He who stands as the true extremist is seen as one who stands in the middle to the ones who truly stand in the middle."
You weren't talking about how an extremist sees himself, but how one in the middle sees the extremist.
Everyone sees themselves as in the middle. Even the most selfish people have a mindset that allows them to continue with their behavior or they wouldn't do it.
I think a lot of extremists see themselves as being in the extreme, but for a good cause, of course.
Take Barry Goldwater who said:
Extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice! And let me remind you also that moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue!
He was seen as an extremist by most Democrats and he happily admitted to it.
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