Principles of Discovery -- Part 9

2006-6-30 05:11:00

[Compiler's Note:  The text of the original article was edited by JJ Dewey, and per his request was re-published below.]


Communicating Soul-to-Soul

How do we achieve this soul-to-soul communication? What are the obstacles in the path?

Few people are ready for true soul-to-soul communication. Such communion comes after many lifetimes of frustration due to the limitations of the personality or lower self. Then the time comes that the frustration and pain become so great that the pilgrim lifts his downward focused eyes upward in the initially shaky belief that there has to be something more fulfilling.

Many of those who read these words will have passed through various dark nights, and will be ready for something higher.

For those who are seeking here are some helpful steps towards soul-to-soul communion:

  1. The first step is to desire higher communication. Many are comfortable in the world of personality communication, for sterile words without life hide meanings and distort the true thoughts behind them. This distortion produces a comfortable illusion behind which many hide until they can hide no more.
  2. The seeker must believe that soul-to-soul communication is possible. Without this belief his search will wither and die from lack of attention.
  3. Once the desire and belief in higher communion is recognized the seeker must actively seek to acquire and master it. Nothing of value is just dumped in our laps. Hard work and focus is as important here as in any other endeavor.
  4. Search for others who feel they have achieved soul-to-soul communication to a degree and learn from them.
  5. Seek communion with your own soul. Only when you have found your own soul can you then discover the soul of others.
  6. Understand the difference between soul-to-soul communication and personality communication. Soul communication looks beyond the black and white meanings of words to the thought and principles behind the words. "Reading between the lines" is the first step to higher communion.
  7. Feel true love toward those with whom you desire higher communion. Words given and received with love become alive and carry the thoughts of God within them.
  8. Believe in the natural goodness of others and see the Christ within all; especially those with whom you touch the soul.
  9. Hold no grievance toward any person.
  10. When the soul of another is touched make sure the experience is firmly rooted in your memory. Recalling this memory often will renew your faith and give you the stamina to continue on the path until another contact comes.
  11. Be aware of your own state of consciousness. When you slip away from the soul recognize what is happening and refocus. Keep your mind steady in the light.
  12. Seek to bring the communion of the soul with those who have it not. By giving that which you have received you will call forth others higher than yourself who will lift you to higher ground.


"A person who trusts no one can't be trusted."
  -- Jerome Blattner


-- End Of Part Nine --


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Principles Of Discovery, Part Ten

Principles Of Discovery, Part Eight

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