2006-6-28 13:46:00
Ruth asks:
"I have to ask this question, if a true brother of darkness confronts one who performs a true unselfish act of Love in the direction of that dark brother, then is that love still registered within him or her as love? Is the feeling really the same for all of us (at the personality level, that is) or is it not recognized nor registered by those who have de-evolved away from Soul?"
The Dark Brother would see a true unselfish act of love as a stupid gesture and would not register the feeling of love expressed.
Then too, there is a segment of the population who do not let themselves feel spiritual love.
While it is true that an act of love is registered as a similar feeling among all those who are willing to feel it there are a number of variations of love energy released through the heart center as it unfolds. Therefore, those who send love send it out in a variety of levels. Pure love energy is much more universally recognized in a receiving state than it is wielded in a sending state.
On another note, JohnC brought up an interesting apparent paradox which is basically this:
There is a lot of illusion around the Simplicity Principle. Many religious people emphasize Christ's statement that we must become like a little child and think that little children should be our teachers. Some teach we must shut down our minds and just follow authorities without thinking, as a child may do.
Jesus was emphasizing that we must be open-minded like children, not that we should blindly follow as a child, or cry every time we skin our knees.
Anyone capable of reasoning can see that there are many benefits to being an adult -- that an adult can understand many things that a child cannot.
That said, it is true that evolution is causing creation to become more complex. Just look at our cells and the DNA. It is so complex that we have only recently mapped the human genome using the most sophisticated computers in the world. If it took all our intelligence just to map it, just imagine the complex thinking it took to create it. But when higher forms are created the complexity will be greater still.
Even though there is great complexity in our universe all forms can be reduced to simplicity. All is created from the great Trinity of positive, negative, and the originating point. From the multiplicity of this and the interplay of countless pieces of intelligent creation we have the majesty of complex creation that boggles the mind.
The true seer looks at the complexity of all things and attempts to understand it. As he understands he seeks to reduce the complex to the simple by tracing it back to its source. As he does this he begins to understand in simplicity no matter how interwoven is the complex. He sees the principles behind all things rather than all the details.
John C also said:
"The hard drive on your computer, if it's like mine, contains numerous programs, documents, source code, pictures, and sound files. But each of these is a file, and each file consists of a string of 0's and 1's."
In all cases complex creation can be reduced to a simple duality. The seer will look for the trail that leads from the complex to the simple so his understanding can be complete.
"Sometimes I've believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast."
-- Lewis Carroll (1832 - 1898), Alice in Wonderland
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