2006-6-19 13:36:00
Dean quoting me:
What causes and effects would you plug into your super computer or universal mind to know a day in advance that you would dream of flipping a coin and what call you would make?
You can't see past decisions you don't understand obviously. I can understand some things. That's why they are predictable. It's not magic it's just how the law works.
Dogs use decision right? I bet if I train my dog to roll over. When I say roll over, it will decide to roll over.
No this is not an example of decision. This is an example of programming. It's like your heart is programmed to beat and has nothing to do with your decisions.
Animals do make some decisions on an elementary level, but to see this you have to put them in a situation where their instincts or programming does not take charge of their actions. If you put two paths before an animal and the choice is not related to his instincts, you will then see an elementary unpredictable decision made.
Many apparent choices humans make are not decisions but just people following a program. If a kid is indoctrinated in a certain religion, acquiesces decision and does what he is told, then no decision is involved. On the other hand, if he thinks about what he is doing and rebels then he is using his power of decision.
Perhaps the simplest decision is the choice between two things where no programming is involved, such as the choice of heads or tails.
The reason I can predict the action is not because decision is unpredictable....It's because I understand the cause behind the decision so I can then predict it.
You think programming causes decisions and this is not true. Programming can influence us, but not necessarily decide for us. We are not computers or robots. We are living unpredictable beings who can decide between two alternatives.
The reason I can't predict certain things such as whether you will choose heads or tails. The short answer would be I don't understand you. And I don't understand entirely the laws behind your ability to do that so I can't predict with accuracy.
I understand myself and I couldn't predict in advance whether I would choose heads or tails.
That which governs true decision is intelligence and the higher the intelligence the more difficult it is to predict the decisions.
What's so difficult. I thought it is obvious.
You still have not answered the question so it must not be obvious.
"NOTHING AND POSSIBILITY come in and out of bond infinite times in a finite moment."
This is what creates spirit. They call it "Summum"
So have you changed your mind to now believe that matter comes from nothing concrete as Summum teaches? When I have taught something similar you have argued with me.
Dean quoting me:
How could any entity predict in advance whether I would pick heads or tails?
I can predict certain things my pet dog will do in advance.
As I said, you are predicting programming, not decisions.
Why do you find it so difficult to imagine something more evolved than yourself could understand your decisions. This is demonstrated in all aspects of life. More intelligence understands the less intelligent. It's a basic and known law that we operate under.
If what you say is correct then a scientist should be able to put a rat in a maze he has not seen before and predict each turn he will make. He cannot. If we cannot predict what a rat will do what makes you think that anything higher could predict all the decisions we would make? Why would It even want to? Would you want to know everything every rat decides to do?
Dean quoting me:
By the way you do not have full power of decision in your dreams because your mental link is detached.
Are you saying we are not in control of our own dreams?
I was quoting DK there. We have very little control over our dreams nor is a lot of control desirable. The real controlling self is in his mental body and somewhere else.
This is laughable. You are in control consciously or unconsciously, you are still in control and responsible for your dreams that you create.
If you are not in control consciously, then you are not in control. We do not consciously create our own dreams. They are like a computer generated program to entertain our emotional nature which is still linked during sleep.
Your breaking universal law thinking you are above cause and effect.
Where do you keep getting this nonsensical accusation? I think no such thing. I keep telling you this and you seem to get amnesia or something about what I have told you.
Thinking that you are unpredictable to those more evolved.
Use the law of correspondences. Those lesser evolved than us are not 100 percent predictable to us so we are not fully predictable to those above us. DK said that Christ and the Masters of Wisdom could not predict human decisions. Do you think that AAB just made up DK or something? If not then his statements are solid proof of this principle.
The answer is how do you predict anything? Well that is how you would predict it. Understand it.
Dean quoting me:
Most people cannot even predict their own decisions. I understand myself and cannot predict how I would choose in guessing heads or tails ten times in a row.
Understanding is not enough. There is an uncertainty principle behind the principle of decision.
Remember Jesus predicting Peter and also predicting that he would be betrayed.
You keep giving anecdotal evidence of isolated incidences of prophecy and this proves absolutely nothing. This only supports what I have been saying that some things are predictable.
He could do that because he understood them well enough. Simple.
He understood Peter's programming that his power of decision had not yet overridden.
Dean quoting me:
You cannot because it cannot be done.
I just demonstrated how it's being done.
Part of your post must have been mysteriously deleted. Perhaps you can send it again so I can see this demonstration.
I am still waiting for an answer to this question:
Someone throws a coin in the air and I am to call heads or tails. What causes and effects would you plug into God or your supercomputer to predict whether I will call heads or tails?
You have danced around this, but given no answer. If you have no answer then you should consider that the future may not be completely determined.
Have no fear of perfection -- you will never reach it.
Salvador Dali (1904 - 1989)
Copyright © 2006 by J J Dewey, All Rights Reserved