The Question Again

2006-6-19 06:49:00


You have the power to decide between heads and tails. Both heads and tails comes from a creation of universal mind. The reason you can decide what to imagine is because of cause and effect. Cause and effect is predictable because it is law.

Okay then, how will you use this knowledge of cause and effect to predict whether I will call heads or tails?


Here we can use the law of correspondence to answer your question.

Think about when you dream. How does your mind create your dreams? Flick a coin in your dream. And what will determine whether it lands on heads?

What will determine the decisions you make in your dream world?

How would you predict in advance that you would even dream about flipping a coin let alone what you would call? What causes and effects would you plug into your super computer or universal mind to know a day in advance that you would dream of flipping a coin and what call you would make?

Dean quoting me:

Let's repeat this 1000 times. What causes and effects would you use to predict my call 1000 times without fail?


If you want to understand the grand principle of creation and its' cause, then I would suggest you read this.

I've read it before and it doesn't answer this question. By the way it says:

Before the material universe manifested there was NO THING.

Why do you keep referring us to materials that contradict your own beliefs?


Please read it fully and consider it, it is extremely important to what we have been discussing about duality.

Your dream world is a reflection of universal mind and it's creation. If you want to understand what exactly makes up spirit and how it exists. What it's cause is. Remember that even though you can decide because of spirit. You are not an exception to the law of cause and effect. And cause/effect is a universal law. And all law is predictable.

You keep saying this over and over, but it explains nothing. How could any entity predict in advance whether I would pick heads or tails whether I am awake or dreaming?

By the way, you do not have full power of decision in your dreams because your mental link is detached.


Do not make the mistake of assuming that because the universal law is mental in nature. That it can be broken by you. You are not all of the universal mind. You cannot control it's laws they are in place for a reason which you do not currently understand.

No one is talking about breaking any universal law. Just tell us how one could use this law to predict whether I will choose heads or tails.

You cannot because it cannot be done because one of the universal laws is the uncertainty principle. Science has elaborated on this but it extends to other things such as decision making.

Nobody will ever win the Battle of the Sexes. There's just too much fraternizing with the enemy.
Henry Kissinger (1923 - )