Final Logic

2006-6-18 18:33:00


I must have written around a hundred thousand words on duality. There have been times that the list has been distracted for months talking about it and it was very frustrating to members to endure the same arguments over and over. I tried to respond with different insights, stories and parables to keep the dialog interesting. I covered it thoroughly so I would not have to do so again.

The "two sides of the same coin" argument was sent to me many times as if it were proof that what I was saying was incorrect when it had little or nothing to do with what I was saying. Even if we look at duality in this manner heads is still not tails. They are two different aspects of the trinity of reality.

You also seem to be saying that two apples is not a finite number of apples.

A lot of what you are arguing with is based on semantics rather than principles. To most people two apples is a definite finite number of apples, but anyone can use a play on words to argue otherwise just as one can argue there is green cheese on the moon. It is wearisome to argue on a play on words rather than dealing with principles.

Look up my arguments with Paul Yu, Zia and Christopher Wynter and you'll find some of your arguments in play. You'll also get a clear idea of my thinking on the subject.

When I get a moment I'll read about polarities in the Kybalion and see if it makes sense to me. I'm probably about 90 percent in agreement with what I have read so far.

After some contemplation I have come up with proof that determinism is not correct and all is not happening at once in this reality.

Here it is:

  1. Time is caused by motion of form.
  2. Without motion there would be no time, space or matter for even the tiniest atom is created by waves in motion. Without motion all we see around us would cease to exist.
  3. All motion takes us toward a future point in time.
  4. If the future point in time is really in the present then there could be no motion for there would be nothing for motion to take us to.
  5. Again, if there is no motion, there is no time.
  6. If there is no motion and no time there is no form, no past, no present and no future.
  7. Therefore, because we do experience motion we have to be moving toward a future that is not yet formed.
  8. If the future is not yet formed then predicting it with exactness would require a knowledge of all existing causes in play.
  9. Even though this is theoretically possible another element comes into play that cannot be entered into any calculation. This element is intelligent decision.
  10. Because a decision can be made that runs contrary to all calculations, all data and all expectation, the exact future can not be known in the present.

Even with the best of maps and instruments, we can never fully chart our journeys.
Gail Pool