Final Judgement

1999-5-6 09:57:00

I think we have progressed about as far as necessary on judgment. I'll wrap up my words with a few statements.

Most people hear the word "judgment" and they immediately conjure up in their minds the act of sitting in judgment of what is right or wrong, moral or immoral, about the actions or quality of another human being. This is the negative aspect of judgment and we need to be very careful in dealing with it.

But beyond this is the positive aspect. Before any decision appears to the eye, two paths open up before the intelligent pilgrim. Before the decision is made, the entity examines the two paths, then weighs the benefits of each and makes a judgment as to which one to take. After the judgment process is over, a DECISION is made. Decision and judgment go hand in hand.

Without this positive aspect of judgment, decisions would be random and lead to strange paths.