2006-6-7 13:14:00
Dean begins by quoting JJ:
"For one thing there is absolutely no proof, not one shred, that the details of the future can be known today."
Dean then writes:
"Are you sure about that? Astrology is an entire scientific subject dedicated to predicting the future. If you want details. Then get better at the science of it."
I have studied astrology and even did it professionally for a while. You can only predict cycles and influences, but not details. And when using predictive astrology it only works well with average people. As DK [Djwhal Khul] says, it does not work well with soul infused people because they have a more advanced power of decision and are not so predictable as to how they will respond to influences.
"Jesus made a prediction about Peter's decisions. What is the sense In saying "I tell you the truth, Peter" If it may not be the truth? That would be totally inconsistent. If one thing can be predicted with certainty. All things can be."
Not so. I can and have predicted the decisions of many people including some of yours (privately to myself). You can predict some of mine, such as whether I will respond to a post, but you cannot predict them all because many are not decided yet. The future is the future and only generalities are available to us in the present.
A Master can make some amazing predictions, but still cannot see all things.
The apostle Paul thought the end of the world was coming in his age and he was a high initiate.
Jesus predicted the Temple would be completely destroyed, that not one stone would be left on another, and he was wrong. There is still the Wailing Wall left.
Dean quotes JJ:
"Decision, which has no cause but is cause and eternal, originates cause that creates. Decision originates new cause."
Dean then writes:
"First you mention decision has no cause. Then you say decision IS cause. So Your stating cause has no cause."
Yes, the eternal part of ourselves, or divine intelligence, has no cause but is cause and has no beginning or end.
"I am writing this on a computer and I don't say that this computer has no computer."
The computer is not cause. If that which originates cause is not eternal then the atheists are correct and we will go to nothingness and be as if we never were.
"You mention that cause, orginates more cause. That is commonly known as cause and effect. You have demonstrated nothing new about this law your just substituting the word decision for the word cause."
I am not. Decision originates cause but is more than cause. Look it up in the dictionary. The two words have two different definitions. Because decision originates cause does not mean that it is the same as cause. Cause is an aspect of Decision. To say that a decision results in a vacation does not mean that vacation and decision mean the same thing.
"Now the law is still the same. That a Cause cannot cause itself."
Decision does not cause itself; it just IS, as an aspect of divine purpose. Purpose, duality and Decision are always in existence and had no cause, but originate cause.
"People often intuitively think to themselves and say to others that, 'nothing happens by accident.'"
They are wrong. An accident is something undesirable that is not foreseen. These things happen all the time.
"Do you think it's because future is unpredictable and undecided, unknown? That is the only way something could happen by accident. And it does not make sense."
Yes, there are many accidents because the future is not set.
Dean quoting JJ:
"But a cause can change direction because the foundation of all cause is Decision. Decision can only exist when the future is not set."
"You write that a foundation of all cause, is a cause."
You keep writing this, not me. The foundation of all cause is the power behind Decision. The meaning behind cause and decision are different. A decision by itself does not make cause, but the execution of it by intelligent will does. All the aspects that originate cause could take some time to elaborate. They all come from Purpose as explained in my book "The Molecular Relationship."
"If there is no cause existent. There is no future. Since there is a future, it has to be caused. So it has to be set."
But there is cause eternally existent. There is a future. All the future has not yet been caused (decided) and it is not set.
"How can anything. Including Decision. Cause itself?"
It does not cause itself. The power behind it which comes from Purpose is self existent and always IS. It exists outside of time.
"Why don't you understand that if something cannot come from nothing. Nothing new can manifest?"
Because it makes no sense and we see new things manifesting daily. This is a new post that has never in all eternity existed.
"What would it come from? It would come from something that already exists."
It comes from Purpose and/or Intelligence and/or Decision which has no form, but creates all forms. These powers definitely exist. You are associating cause with form, but form itself comes from the formless.
"That's the only logical option you have. Hence whatever manifests already exists."
Whatever Is, IS. So what?
Dean quoting JJ:
"You'd better hope there are new things under the sun or you will eventually be bored out of existence and be sucked into that great void of nothingness that some have spoken of."
"You know how there is these pet fish that forget what it's home is like every couple of seconds. And it keeps on swimming around it's tank thinking everything is so new."
I don't think so. I think they are bored out of their minds. Have you ever watched a tiger walk back and forth in its cage? It is very frustrated, but has hope it can find a way out.
To believe that we are in the same situation is intolerable. We might as well kill ourselves.
"Well all I can say is if infinite potential is boring to you. Then nothing will excite you."
We only have infinite potential if we have power to mold the future. I wouldn't say being an animal in a cage has anything to do with any kind of potential.
"What are you really scared of. That makes it so unbearable to admit this?"
I am not scared because I know I have power of decision and can mold my future, which is not set. This gives me thrill. I would be terrified though if there was even the slightest chance you were correct. I would also be disturbed if I knew Hitler was reincarnated and running for president.
Dean quoting himself:
"Premise 3: What is future exists as present."
Dean quoting JJ:
"Another great leap here. Where is your evidence and logic?"
"When the minute hand from the 12 reaches the 6. It is evident that what you saw and what you percieved as future, then exists as present. Cannot deny that?"
Any child knows that the 6 is not the present when it is in the future. If the grocery store is down the road and I can go there tomorrow this does not mean I am now buying groceries. This is almost too silly to defend.
"Try it and look at the clock. Then you watch your future exist as the present."
You can watch for eternity and the future will never be the present. When six o'clock arrives it is no longer the future but the present. The future is still in the future. When uranium is made into plutonium it is no longer uranium.
I'll give additional response as I have time
"Some things have to be believed to be seen."
-- Ralph Hodgson, on ESPN
Copyright © 2006 by J.J. Dewey, All Rights Reserved