2006-5-21 05:29:00
Dean commenting on telepathy:
I don't know how you can say that you have to be tuned into it because it seems like it's simply a matter of the sender tuning into the receiver. Just as it's a matter of me typing on the keyboard. I am responsible for this message. I don't type random letters and then you have to be in the intuitive world.
In fact you already are in the intuitive world. That's why you can read this.
Very few tune into the intuitive world or higher. Of the seven worlds the majority can only perceive the physical and astral. Above this is the mental and above that is the intuitive where the Oneness Principle can be accessed.
I can read what you write because my physical brain registers it. It has nothing to do with intuition.
Again there is something about this that doesn't make sense because Consciousness is already intuitive as a part of its nature.
Where do you get this idea? Consciousness operates on numerous levels of existence. As I said, consciousness for the majority ascends no higher than the astral, which communicates with feeling, not intuition.
You cannot separate intuition from consciousness. We are already tuned into the intuitive world because we are consciously alive. Even animals are.
Animals are not intuitive, but instinctive. My last class was on this subject and I will place the audio online soon. Intuition uses consciousness for the few who are tuned into the fourth plane of the intuition. The consciousnesses of most are separated from it because it lies beyond their ring-pass-not.
If not, then what stops telepathy from being received.
What prevents you from hearing a radio when it is off? Until a person expands his ring-pass-not and opens the door to the 4th plane the signal is just turned off to his consciousness.
If to receive telepathy from others we need to do something. That would defeat the purpose of telepathy which is to send something to someone to let them understand whatever is to be communicated.
That's like saying it defeats the purpose of a radio to have to turn it on. No purpose is defeated. We have to examine things as they are, not as we think they should be. Then when we find out for sure how things are, it is then seen as being the way it should be.
Since we are an entity that is alive then we have everything that the sender has to receive the message.
Again, where do you get this idea? Even in communication with average people we can see this is not true. With some people you can send a subtle message and they will get it and others are just too dense.
Many just have too limited of a ring-pass-not to receive the telepathy mentioned by DK accurately.
Apart from the message that needs to be sent. But this isn't the receiver's fault they can have this soon as the sender sends it.
Yes, it is the receiver's fault for he has not developed his abilities yet.
Did I read something about Peter? That he conveyed some words into some peoples heads?
If Peter can do it, then either that story is sort of incorrect. Or I'm sure someone could teach me without me having to go to the Alice A. Bailey page.
This was not the type of telepathy that DK was speaking of. These people heard a simple message composed of words. In exceptional cases words can be transmitted to astrally polarized people, but their ring-pass-not cannot comprehend higher telepathy. Under normal circumstances it takes great effort for a master to send some words to an astral person. If it were that easy telepathy would be commonplace.
At the least a little message for example. Someone can send into my head.
Messages are circulating all around you at any given moment just as there are signals from many radio stations. If you know how to tune in you can pick them up.
It sounds like you feel a little miffed because no one seems to be sending you something. You are wrong. Someone is always sending you something and you need to pick up the lower level messages before you can pick up the higher.
And what are the lower level ones? They are the astral messages of friends, associates, loved ones, people in need, etc. There are always cries for help that must be heard by the seeker's inner self before his own cries for higher communication can be noticed.
It seems like one of the reasons telepathy is used in the first place is to send something that is not understood or being thought of at the present time.
Telepathy is mainly used to communicate what words cannot, or are insufficient to accomplish.
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