2006-5-3 06:08:00
Joy in humanity has a different cause than happiness. Happiness is caused by progressing toward a goal. Joy comes through moving toward oneness with other souls and God. In other words, Joy operates on the Principle of Oneness.
When Jesus said, "I and my Father are one," he gave the formula for unending Joy. When separated from God, Purpose and each other in the spirit we can have happiness but not Joy. But when united in spirit there is Joy unending.
Partaking of the Principle of Joy is like drinking an elixir from an eternal fountain that always flows freely. Once discovered the pilgrim can partake of it at will as often as he desires and be vitalized by it. But he can also leave the fountain and descend to the land of separation and loss of memory. Even when separated from the fountain the elixir of Joy still flows and awaits his return.
The pilgrim wanders the land of separation as a prodigal son and has fleeting moments of happiness. These moments give him incentive to keep moving forward in his journey but do not give him the satisfaction he feels awaits him. He internally senses the fountain of Joy but knows not where to find it.
He looks for it in pleasure and finds it not.
He looks for it in possessions and again it is not there.
He seeks it in carnal love and is left with emptiness.
He longs for it in his work and the longing continues.
He continues seeking without success for eons yet his hope continues for the knowledge of the fountain lies deep within, the internal memory continues as a gentle reminder.
Finally he finds the key. Not in selfish interest does the answer lie, but in service to his brothers and sisters. When he sees his brother as an extension of himself and joins with his consciousness they together rise to the garden of the God and find the eternal fountain. Even while his body dwells in the land of separation he finds his spirit can soar and drink of that water of life so he will never thirst again.
He discovers through the Oneness Principle that separation is an illusion and drinks at will.
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