2006-5-2 03:43:00
The only future which is a sure thing is that which is the result of a decision made by an entity with power to bring the decision to completion. Even then, the events in between the beginning and the end will not all be seen.
The Christ knew that He was coming back to teach humanity in a future age for He had decided to do so. He also knew that the kingdom of God would manifest at some future time, for this is in the realm of decision by lives higher than any on this earth.
If you decide to paint a picture you do not look ahead and see every brush stroke or the mistakes you will make that must be painted out. Instead you see the end picture and work toward it. Thus Christ was not unduly bothered with details that would transpire during the next two thousand years and was not pained by them. Passing through the Dweller on the Threshold as the representative of humanity was the painful thing.
How does one then decide to become truly free?
Freedom always revolves around decision and not around the endowment of goods and services.
The Dark Brothers try and convince us that true freedom comes by receiving an endowment of goods or favors.
The Brotherhood of Light promotes the idea that freedom comes with the enhancement of the actual power of decision and the removal of obstructions thereof.
The first philosophy involves a forced handout where the handout of goods or services is taken from person "A" and given to person "B," and is seen as an increase in freedom for person "B," while ignoring the problem created for person "A." The light on the illusion comes when you realize that neither "A" nor "B" have their power of decision enhanced. In fact both usually have it diminished. The second philosophy allows true freedom to manifest for such can only occur when the power of decision is not infringed.
We may not like all the decisions people make when given freedom to do so but in the end, as water reaches its correct level, the life of the body begins to flow and a beautiful, free living society is the end result.
The mind must be stimulated and take control of the decision making process. When this occurs and the seeker begins to understand the importance of breaking free from unjust authority then all he has to do is make a decision to be led by the spirit within rather than an authority without.
I say "all he has to do," but it is not as easy as that. While this is a true statement it is extremely difficult to make that first decision to trust the spirit within over a previously trusted authority without. But after that first decision has been made the second and third is much easier. Eventually the disciple will get a charge out of defying authorities seeking to control him and his power of decision will solidify.
All cause and effect, or all action, is motivated by some decision which has been made. This original decision lies beyond our normal understanding of the word and the true comprehension lies hidden in the principle of Purpose. The meaning of Purpose is only hinted at in the Ancient Wisdom and is briefly covered in my book on "The Molecular Relationship."
There was creation and the impulse of decision from the Purpose of God before there was thought or consciousness. This is why the sacred books tell us that there was chaos in the beginning. As thought and consciousness evolved chaos gravitated to organization. All organization we see before us -- such as the human cell or DNA is the result of conscious thought on some level, but now operates automatically below the threshold of consciousness.
Energy existed before thought -- and thought is organized energy.
If the "real you" is not your body, is not your feelings, and not your mind or thoughts -- then what and/or who are you?
You are that power within that can make a decision from which purpose and potential power reside and from which all things spring.
Now consider this quote decribing the experience of "Decision" taken from "The Immortal" Book 2, Chapter 16:
"It was an amazing feeling, or non-feeling, and even though there was a time that decision existed with no creation, I sensed that there were universes beyond and before creation, as we know it, and I could retrieve no information about them. I did sense that God, or Decision, existed in a point beyond and before time and space. Before this point were two possibilities. They were the possibility of Something, and Nothing, or the possibility of Creation or No Creation.
"Suddenly an inspiring phrase came to me. 'It was the decision to be or not to be. That is the question!' So even before form and space existed there was still a duality -- the possibility of nothing (female) and the possibility of something (male) or the decision to be or not to be."
Question One:
If all things in creation originate from the principles in Purpose and/or Decision, then where did the principle of Love come from -- and what is it?
If you had to describe love by writing the Law of Love what would you write?
In other words, what would you say the primary Law of Love is?
The divine aspects of Will-Power-Purpose working together synthetically manifests the First Ray which is called "Power."
The power behind all of these is the power which activates Decision, for it is only after a decision has been made that Purpose is made manifest even though they both silently co-exist in the mind of the Creator. Then it is only after a purpose is sensed that Power can be applied. Again it is only after purpose and power is in play that Will can be exercised to manifest the decision.
Question Two:
How would you define the three divine aspects of Will-Power-Purpose; and how do you suppose they provide a key to manifesting that which the seeker Decides?
"Happiness is having a large, loving, caring, close-knit family -- in another city."
-- George Burns (1896 - 1996)
Copyright © 2006 by J.J. Dewey, All Rights Reserved