Decision -- Part 4

2006-4-28 05:00:00

Spiritual Principle 18:   Decision, Part Four

To his friends and family the disciple may appear to be taking a careless and reckless action, but to the soul he is making a divine move forward from darkness to greater light.

You are Decision and you can become whatever it is you decide to Become. Tune into the male and female energies within you and use their forces to best serve the direction you wish to take.

Now it is possible that several may be concerned that they are not highly evolved and may feel discouraged if they are unable to have certain spiritual experiences. Please, please, do not feel this way. What one can do -- all can do -- and do it through the power of Decision and Attention.

Nevertheless, we all make decisions and place attention in different areas of life so none of us are the best at everything. Some may be very talented with ideas and imagination; but not so talented with visualization. Just as some are good at music, but not business.

One of the main solutions on all levels to this problem is the first key. We must realize that we are Decision and make every effort to magnify this power and create what we decide through the power of Attention.

One of the main causes of depression is that we have avoided decisions in our past. Remember the parable in my book where Dave turned hell into heaven? Who were the really depressed ones in the story? It was the two who did not make a decision, and who stayed behind and never progressed on the path or took the risk required. Do not let fear stop you from making a decision and then putting your attention on it. If you find that your attention is focused much of the time on yourself in a negative way you must shift your attention to other avenues. Place it on your work, loved ones, learning, a hobby, etc. Every day arrange your life so that you'll have something to look forward to. This is a little thing, but can be a big help.

It can be as simple as a glass of wine at dinner, a good TV show, a movie or a visit with a friend. These things to look forward to will not happen automatically if you are depressed. You must arrange them and place them in your path and when they are crossed focus all your attention on your enjoyment of the moment.

On the non-physical level one of the greatest causes of depression and apathy is guilt. Guilt is a negative force that focuses attention on your imperfection and paralyses your power of decision. It is caused by your allowing your attention to be placed on some outside authority who has taken the place of the God within. If God, or the power of God, is seen as existing in some man or influence from without then this entity has power to control you through guilt and thus control you through fear and depression.

Between Consciousness, Attention and Decision, Decision was the first to manifest, but then was sustained by the triangular energies of the three. The first decision that caused us to manifest as entities was "to be or not to be." The first decision was a little like throwing the dice which created the impulse to be. This impulse pulsated around the first duality which was the possibility of becoming versus not Becoming -- or eternal pralaya.

However, the key is not the definition of the words Attention, Decision and Consciousness. The key is the answer to "WHO OR WHAT AM I?"

The answer is not a definition of a word, but a principle, which is never the definition of a word. Your essence as it exists in any state of Becoming is that power within you which makes decisions, not decision itself. Decision is the key word, but not the answer. This power which is your essence does not have a name in the English language. It has not been recognized so it has not been named.

In my book there is a mention of another key word which will shed some light on this and the word was revealed in the beginning of my book on the Molecular Relationship.

That word is Purpose.

Purpose as it is used there is not purpose as we define it in our normal conversation which is related to goal setting. Purpose as we shall use it is the Initiator of all things. It is not energy, but is the initiator of energy. It is not decision, but the initiator of Decision and gives meaning to all things. Decision cannot exist without Purpose. Purpose sustains that power within you to Become and Decide. Because you are a reflection of Purpose you are that power to decide, but not decision itself.

Decision is the key word because it is the highest hint in the direction of our essence that we have an accepted word for.

Decision, Consciousness and Attention are to be seen as a Trinity, not as words to be defined. If they are seen as an interdependent Trinity created by Purpose then this will indeed be a key of knowledge to you. These words may seem simple, but even the highest masters and beyond are continually expanding their ring-pass-not on this concept.

We all may think we understand Decision-Consciousness-Attention. However, before 1492, the people of that time thought they understood the concept of "earth-circle-ship," but Columbus discovered a key from this Trinity that led us to discover a new world.

Never be fooled by simplicity.

"Never regret. If it's good, it's wonderful. If it's bad, it's experience."
  -- Victoria Holt