1999-5-3 09:35:00
According to history, Apollonius and Jesus were born about the same time, but Apollonius lived to about the age of 100. The Master Jesus could have either overshadowed Apollonius, or the original entity could have stepped aside so Jesus could have the body.
To find out for sure on this particular question, I must find out all I can on my own, before I can get any information from either the Brotherhood or through my soul. I do plan on investigating Apollonius more when I get a chance, and will let you know if I get additional light on this.
I know Alice A. Bailey's writings are very accurate in most cases. It is hard to believe D.K. could have made such a blatant error. Sometimes the Tibetan Master and AAB argued back and forth as to how the concepts were to be worded, and I believe there are minor errors here and there. There are also some "blinds" in the writings. Some misleading statements are made to hide dangerous knowledge from the masses, yet at the same time holding clues to initiates. It is also possible that the Apollonius statement is a blind.
How about the group applying their expertise here? Which one strikes a chord with you:
1. The Tibetan through (or because of) Alice A. Bailey made a mistake
2. Jesus overshadowed or entered the body of Apollonius.
3. The statement is a blind, and we need to look for something else here.
Copyright 1999 by J.J. Dewey, All Rights Reserved