2006-4-22 21:46:00
Decision is the first key and a foundation principle of existence. The power within us that gives power to make decisions is the foundation of life. What follows is an edited compilation of some of my writings on this interesting subject.
Without the power of decision, which includes being responsible for the effects of our decisions, we would virtually cease to exist. We are even more than the results of our decisions. This power is somehow connected with the essence of our very being. Power of decision leads a person to the fear and guilt that causes disease and now decision can lead one back to health.
Decision is the key word as to what we are. We are decision. Every action that takes place is preceded by a deciding intelligence of some kind. I am an intelligence who just moved the glass because I decided to. A decider may use thought and emotion, but thought and emotion alone does not create motion. Thought and feeling with no decision is powerless.
In some way the very power within us that makes decisions is what we are. Let's say you are deciding between bacon and eggs or pancakes when you have an equal desire for the two. Let your power of decision fluctuate between the two and you can feel that which is the real you, the power of decision at work.
You have two things of equal desire. Let your attention shift back and forth - you can feel the inner power, the power that actually puts things in motion.
Assume that we are more than the results of our decisions, but somehow we are decision or the power of decision itself. If you knew this was a true statement, what would it mean to you?
What God said to Moses is a major hint.
Moses asked God what His name was and back in those days the name of a person revealed what was supposed to be a person's essence or true nature. So Moses was probably expecting something that described the typical human version of God. He probably would have been satisfied if God had told him that His name was "THE HIGH AND MIGHTY ONE" or "THE ONE WHO HAS ALL KNOWLEDGE AND WISDOM," or something like that. The interesting thing is God did not give Moses any regular name. Instead He basically said "I AM BECOMING THAT WHICH I DECIDE TO BECOME." He was telling Moses He was Decision and that He couldn't give him any regular name because, as Decision, He could decide to be different tomorrow than He is today. Because God makes different decisions about how He will manifest, He cannot give any name that will apply in all time periods, except for something like "THE ETERNAL," which is what Moses finally decided to call Him.
Look at how God has manifested through the ages. In ancient times there were supposed to be many gods. Then in the days of Moses there was just one powerful God of vengeance. Later, in the days of Jesus, God was called Love.
Suppose all the major religions are part of the plan of God, then it would appear that God has decided to manifest a little differently through each one. Perhaps He has many different identities in different places and ages.
In the beginning was the ONE, and within the ONE resided the initiating Cause. The keyword representing this Cause must be discovered by you in a future key. Within the ONE resided Decision and the latent power of decision, and at the beginning of time the great Decider made the first decision for this creation.
If He is existing outside of time and space, then no decision as we know it would be possible. So, before we can understand this principle we would have to know which two or more things were before creation; for before decision can exist there has to be two or more things to decide between.
Before there was creation as we know it, there were two things that have always been before the Decision of God. Decision is eternal because these two things have been, are, and will always be present with God as well as ourselves.
The first decision was to manifest. The second decision was to give Itself the power to exercise a decision. This decision, interplaying with the Power to exercise it created the wavelength represented by Light (or intelligence), and Love (or magnetism). Thus we have the Trinity of Power, Light and Love; or Father, Son and Holy Ghost. The wavelength created unlimited infinite space, which is the mind of God.
The interplay of these two possibilities sustains eternally, without beginning and end, the One Great Decision that interacts between the two. As a reflection of God, you and I and all other lives extend the life of God by continually deciding whether to create or not. As offspring of God the main decision before us is always whether to be or not to be!
Decision plus attention equals consciousness. In other words, consciousness was created by putting attention on a decision which had been made. The power of Decision is eternal and when the Decision TO BE, or TO BECOME, is made then the Trinity of Decision-Consciousness-Attention is instantly made manifest. This Trinity is the one great Life we call God.
The real me is not just the result of my decisions, but I am Decision, which is a reflection of God. The part of me that actually makes a decision is the real me. When I realize this, I am like God in the fact that I can then become what I decide to become.
Keep in mind that without decision, there can be no such thing as consciousness or even life or motion. Consciousness, life, and motion are created by decision, and by applying the power behind this key word to that decision.
In truth, your essence is Decision, and as Decision you have created the reality you find yourself in, whether good or bad. Slavery and victimization are always caused by the illusion that we have little or no control over the reality we see before us. If we believe we have no control, we acquiesce our real power, become subject to the decisions of others, and become like a leaf floating helplessly down a current of other people's decisions.
By allowing your life to be controlled by the decisions of others, you are put in the position of abdicating yourself from personal responsibility and placing all blame on the decision-makers in your life. Instead, you should be the main decision-maker in your own life, which then makes you responsible for your reality in the long run. All those who are in the third category of evolution and are the teachers of the race have the realization they are the masters of their reality.
This is why the sacredness of the vote should never be overlooked. This is a key power the people must always possess if the kingdom of God is to be established on the earth. As for making changes, if people realized the power of decision within them, this nation could be turned around tomorrow. Even if only twelve people in oneness used their power of decision for good, the power to change can be enormous. I would venture to say there are not even three mortal people on the earth who function in unity with a realization of their power to change the earth for good. The power of decision is indeed unappreciated.
"First secure an independent income, then practice virtue."
-- Greek Proverb
Copyright © 2006 by J.J. Dewey, All Rights Reserved