2006-4-22 05:51:00
My Friends,
We like to be liberal in letting posts through but several lately have centered on personality issues. Please keep your posts directed on teachings and away from irritations at other members.
John C writes:
I am trying to come up with a Triad of Principles which work together in a repeating cycle, or spiral: Start (Principle of Initiation) (Create) (Spirit) Change (Principle of Correction) (Endure) (Soul) Stop (Principle of ??) (Destroy) (Matter). In Scientology, they call this triad of principles "The Cycle of Action", or on a higher turn of the spiral "The Conditions of Existence". In any event, I see these three principles, working together, as actually constituting a higher principle. I recognize that it is a principle because it explains so many facts. It also has that resonant quality about it. But, I need some help.
- What should we call this triad of principles? Does it have a name in the JJ/DK system of teachings? The "Principle of Cycles" might work, but so many things arrange in cycles, so that name seems too general.
- What is the name of the last principle in the JJ/DK system of teachings? The "Principle of Destruction"?
First, let me say that you are wise in looking for triangles in creation and cycles for they always exist there and their recognition will always shed further light.
The triangle of creation comes from the invisible energy of Purpose. Calling the first point initiation, or the decision that initiates, is as good as any for from purpose creation begins through intelligence initiating form, space and motion.
The second point of the triangle we could call creation which consists of a subtriangle of gathering, sifting and correction.
The third point would be destruction for after the form has served its purpose it is destroyed, but the blueprint remains as a foundation for a new and improved cycle.
What is the grand principle behind these three? It is the principle of life itself - one of the greatest mysteries of them all.
John C:
I think there is a principle which says anything which has a beginning must also come to an end, and I know there is a principle related to ending, stopping, destruction, shattering of forms, etc. JJ has taught it. I just don't know the name for it.
There are many principles and laws within and behind this Trinity. We'll touch on them from time to time, but it would take several books to cover them all.
A hundred objective measurements didn't sum the worth of a garden; only the delight of its users did that. Only the use made it mean something. Lois McMaster Bujold
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