2006-4-21 04:41:00
Correction is not usually thought of as a principle, but indeed it is and an important one at that. Without it relative perfection could never be achieved. No great advancement, no thing of beauty and nothing with complexity has ever been achieved without it.
The reason absolute perfection is an illusion is because to believe in such a thing one must negate the eternal principle of correction. Because correction is always taking place absolute perfection cannot be.
To see how needed this principle is visualize stopping your car on a stretch of straight road and then perfectly pointing it straight ahead in an attempt to drive it for one mile without correcting it through steering. After pointing it straight ahead you start the engine and hit the gas pedal. We all know what will happen. In less than one block the car will veer to the left or the right and you will have to grab hold of the wheel and correct the direction. In fact, by the time you arrive at the first mile you will have made hundreds of corrections with the steering wheel. It is obvious to anyone who has driven a car that it is impossible to drive a car anywhere without using the principle of correction.
Now visualize an artist painting a masterpiece. Is each stroke and color applied done with perfection? No. Again he must make many corrective strokes and blending of colors to achieve the final appearance desired.
How about the creation of this world? Was it accomplished in one great attempt? No. It began as a ball of fire and condensed. Later came the oceans and an atmosphere accompanied by elementary life. The life evolved into more complex forms until the human race appeared. Millions of corrections and changes have occurred for this planet to arrive at the beauty it now possesses and yet it is still far from perfect. Millions of additional corrections must be accomplished before this planet achieves the measure of its creation.
One of the most common mistakes made by teachers of the past is they present their ideas or revelations as if they were absolute perfection from the mind of God. The problem is that even if the concepts were inspired and sound, the application of them will require much correction before they become workable. Instead of making corrections the followers try with exactness to implement the plans. This always fails and when it does the original good ideas are often abandoned and replaced with inferior ones -- usually after the initiate dies.
The teacher of this age must present the basic principles behind his ideas with the thought that some trial and error, or correction, will be required before they mature and reach their maximum usability.
"Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work."
-- Thomas A. Edison (1847 - 1931)
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