2006-4-18 06:05:00
Dan writes:
In addition, assuming that JJ is correct that "evil is created when one is forced to do good" (or controlled "positively" :-) (and I admit this has the solid gold ring of truth to me) it's sure as heck created when one is forced to do wrong, so logically the only thing I can/should DO (if I don't wish to create evil) is to try to DO good (control myself) without controlling anyone else.>
This is a good point, but rarely is anyone, even a tyrant, motivated with the idea that they are forcing anyone to do evil. It is as DK says that evil is a distorted reflection of divine possibilities.
Evil always starts with a benevolent sounding idea. Take communism for example. It starts with the idea of human equality, that each should give according to his ability and receive according to his needs.
This would be great if this ideal were achieved through free will, but the evil comes in when initiators get frustrated and decide that men must be forced to do good.
Because humans are not evolved enough to achieve full brotherhood through free will communists have used evil that good may come to achieve their goals.
As we know none of these systems of forced benevolence worked. Communism did not achieve equality, abundance, brotherhood or come close to motivating people to give according to their ability.
The key of understanding is this. If people are not evolved enough to achieve an idea through free will then forcing them to do good will not achieve it either. On the contrary, it will delay the goal indefinitely.
Woody writes:
JJ Dewey, who I call Teacher and Brother, has told you a filthy, filthy lie in that soul contact always results in the absolutely true one answer. Think about it. Let's say two leaders of two armies believe that they are both inspired by God and the other is inspired by the will of the Adversary. Let's say that the two leaders have soul contact, does this mean that war is averted? The answer is that their souls tell them to fight and suffer. We saw this during the Crusades.
Because two leaders believe they are inspired or have soul contact does not mean that they have it.
Two people achieving soul contact on the same question will receive the same answer. Truth never contradicts truth and the soul will never reveal something that is not true. Those who do not hold their minds steady in the light may receive a truth through soul contact and then after some fomenting in the personality, coupled with a distorted recollection, they may still tread the path of error.
This is why it is so important to etch into our minds that moment when the revelation was received and create a state of mind that is capable of returning to it in full recollectedness.
If two people disagree one of three things are at play.
Dean asks:
How do you know Ultimate perfection is an illusion? Does that mean infinity is an illusion? Are they not part of the same thing?
You can know because it makes sense and harmonizes with principles revealed through the soul.
One can never know that infinity exists because there is no such thing as an infinite number. Everything in existence, even the universe, has a specific number of particles. Neither infinity nor absolute perfection exists within the worlds of form. Our universe is only limited by the imagination of God, of which our imagination is a reflection. No matter how much you imagine, you can still imagine more. There is no such thing as infinity plus one.
God (and also ourselves) is unlimited, not infinite.
The fact that creation eternally exists is a testament that there is no ultimate perfection. Perfection of form is in the mind of the beholder and we all have different minds.
Students achieving Oneness will move on to Twoness.
Woody Allen (1935 - ?)
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