2006-3-26 05:29:00
My Friends,
We went to see the movie "V for Vendetta" today. I chose this one for several reasons.
First, it was written by the Wachowski Brothers. Name sound familiar? It should. They made the Matrix series. The Matrix is a favorite of many on the list as it injected mystery and philosophy into the script, which made many think more deeply about life than before.
I therefore expected this movie to provide a couple good hours of provoking entertainment. I was not disappointed.
The second reason I wanted to see this was because of the political and religious implications of the story line. It is quite possible that this movie will have a wide-ranging influence for either good or evil. I wanted to be able to judge accurately what that influence will be.
If we put politics and philosophy aside and judge it on objective quality and entertainment value then it was quite a good movie. Not as good as the first Matrix, but as good as the second and third ones. I would rate it three and a half stars out of four.
One thing that pleasantly surprised me was it contained more dialog and story line than pure action as is the case in so many movies today. The action sequences were great and more enjoyable because there were speaking parts and character development between them. We got to know V, his history and why he thinks and acts the way he does. Ironically, the hero V was played by Hugo Weaving who played Agent Smith, the arch villain in Matrix.
The second major character was Evey played by Natalie Portman who was Queen Padme Naberrie in the Star Wars series. She was the love interest of Darth Vader and now she is the love interest of V. Her character was also well developed, as movies go, and we got to know her as a person.
The basic plot is this: The year is 2020 and America has basically collapsed as a superpower and is involved in a civil war, but not before it exported a virus to the corrupt English government which used it to kill 80,000 of its own people and then blame it on terrorists. The English were then willing to support a right wing Christian dictator who became a Hitler type figure in the movie. He particularly persecuted gays and people who have copies of the Koran.
V was a part of a forced medical experiment by the government and was horribly burned in a fire. He barely survived, but with a determination to destroy the government in the hopes that a better one would rise from its ashes.
His love interest, Evey, challenged this belief by saying that whenever she has seen a government destroyed it is replaced by something worse, not better. I found this to be one of the more profound statements in the movie.
This doesn't shake V's belief and goal which is to blow up both houses of Parliament on the 5th of November next which would be the anniversary of Guy Fawkes attempt to do this in 1607.
In fact V patterned himself after Guy Fawkes and sought to consummate the failed goal that he had. He even wore a Guy Fawkes mask throughout the movie to hide his hideously burned face.
There are a number of things that bother me about this movie.
Conclusion: It is obvious that the intent of the writers was to create a movie that would warn us of steps we are now taking that could lead to a dictatorship. Unfortunately, they are warning us of branches of evil rather than the root. I guarantee that they who lean to the traditional left and support forced socialism and sympathize with communism will love the agenda of this movie. The ironical thing is that the Nazi type government which they profess to want to avoid is socialistic. Many forget that the Nazi party was called "National SOCIALISM."
We are in much more danger of turning into Nazi's through the creeping advance of forced socialism which ever increases our taxes and diminishes our freedoms. These advocates also seek to take away our freedom of speech by telling us what we can and cannot say in the form of what is politically correct. They even seek to control our thoughts by categorizing some crimes as "hate crimes" because of what the person was thinking when the crime was committed. This direction should terrify any freedom loving person.
Overall I loved the movie as entertainment, but am concerned that some 5th of November we will see another 911 calamity on TV which was inspired by it.
People should not be afraid of their governments, governments should be afraid of their people. A quote from "V" from the movie "Vendetta".
Copyright © 2006 by J J Dewey, All Rights Reserved