1999-5-1 19:27:00
Thank you for your postings of personal experiences and inspirations. Richard has illustrated to us, for example that we can still have joy and renewal in the face of great limitations. When you think of it, in comparison to higher lives, we humans are extremely limited. Nevertheless, we chose this condition for a great purpose.
There is a law, or principle, governing the growth of evolving entities, called the law of contraction and expansion. The idea goes something like this: To stimulate growth, the soul contracts or limits the individual until the entity rebels at such limitation and puts his ATTENTION on expansion and the removal of limitation. After the cycle of contraction and expansion has run its course, the life expands and the entity has more power and freedom than was previously the case. In addition to an increase in freedom, the period of expansion brings a sense of joy that was impossible to experience without the aid of the limitation that stimulated the expansion. I'm sure Richard in particular will see the truth of this principle.
Zina pointed out that new creation is a big aid in getting through dark periods. Very true. Even the God of the Bible says "Behold, I do all things new." You would think the churches of the world have never read this scripture. For many of them their motto is: "Behold, let us do the old thing again."
If we force ourselves into new and different experiences and learn new things, then we achieve a new outlook, and the thing that we found depressing will often die a blissful death through attrition.
This discussion group is a new experience for all of us, and I am sure it has uplifted the spirits of many.
Copyright 1999 by J.J. Dewey, All Rights Reserved