2006-2-27 06:03:00
John C (quoting JJ):
"The words of the Master Jesus were esoterically correct in that the male-female union is not two, but "one flesh." (Matthew 19:5) The two together are like one human atom (or Adam). As a test of their unity in the Molecular Order, the male-female partnership is to be counted as one voice and not two. Thus, they must reach unity between them on all items of Molecular business. If they are unable to do this, it is evident that their energy is out of balance, and one (or both) lacks soul contact, and thus is not of value to the Molecular creation."
This is a question which I have asked again and again, but this is the first time when I have read a quote from JJ where he defines what it takes to be a functioning, contributing couple who contributes value to the molecule, Let's turn this around and ask the question.
Suppose you have TWO MEN in a male-male union who can DEMONSTRATE to one and all that they are not two, but "one flesh", who are unified in all items of Molecular business, does that not also indicate that their energy IS in balance, (despite both being "polarized" as two males), that they both indeed have soul contact, and are therefore OF VALUE to the Molecular creation?
I believe I have covered this subject but will go over some points again here.
In the molecules it will be important that men are unified with men, men with women, and women with women. However, the fact that they can be unified through the soul has little to do with the fact that their male/female energies are in balance. The energies I was referring to in the quote were the balance between personality and soul energy, which is an entirely different thing than the male/female energies.
Two people can be in near perfect balance with their male/female energies yet lack soul contact and have a terrible nit picky relationship.
Even so, those who achieve close to the zero point in their energy will gravitate toward peace with much less resistance than those who are out of balance electrically.
Before I state why the male/female balance is important let me state first what it is not.
The reason the balance is necessary in a human molecule is the same reason it is necessary in atomic molecules. In an atomic molecule balance has to be established in the flow of male female energy (positive and negative) or a molecule cannot exist. The same applies to a human molecule.
With rare exceptions the person in a male body has a male charge and a person in a female body has a female charge. Now if we rate individual charges between plus or minus ten or less the male gay is usually a plus one or two and the female is usually a minus one or two. Therefore two gay males have the same problem in pairing up as two straight males. If you have one gay with a charge of plus one and another a two, you wind up with an average of plus one and a-half.
If you have two hetros who are great friends one with a plus eight and one a plus six you wind up with an average of plus seven.
Both couples have the same problem in different degrees, in that the two couples wind up with a surplus positive charge and do not electrically balance each other off even though both couples may have a great relationship and all four have soul contact together.
Some do not seem to realize that many relationships within the molecules will be completely non-romantic in nature. Many will have a molecular partner for the work and then another partner for romance.
The gay with soul contact has two choices. He can select a female partner with a low female charge opposing his low male charge or he can join as an associate, linking with one of the male/female couples. These options are also available to heteros.
The group must achieve four things to activate the human molecule.
Hope this helps.
If I have ever made any valuable discoveries, it has been owing more to patient attention, than to any other talent. Isaac Newton (1642 - 1727)
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