1999-4-28 09:39:00
Why do you suppose death is called an "enemy"?
There is a major achievement in conquering this enemy before this death is destroyed. Elijah, Moses and Abraham reached this point. Moses just seemed to disappear and his body was never found, and Elijah was said to have been taken into heaven without tasting death. Abraham and Sarah's bodies were renewed so they could have a child at the age of 100. These are hints about a major point in evolution that we reach before the final mastery. What is this achievement? Hint: Think 5th initiation.
Death is called the last enemy because its power over us is the last obstacle to overcome before maximum freedom is obtained on the physical plane. It is true there are other glorious worlds beyond this one, but there will be times when we will want to manifest in the physical world for one reason or another. Overcoming physical death allows us this freedom. There are other obstacles in other spheres, but physical death is the greatest on this plane.
Before Christ, physical death was partially overcome by disciples who reached the fourth and fifth initiations. These disciples received a rejuvenation of their bodies and lived for an extended period on the physical plane. The Christ did something different. He allowed His body to be virtually destroyed, and then rebuilt it, demonstrating complete power of the Spirit over the body.
In addition, He demonstrated that the body could be folded up into spirit, and that while keeping the ability to manifest physically, He could manifest and travel to all worlds of human and God endeavor.
Glenys asked why Paul was blinded by a vision of Christ, John saw a glorious Christ in vision but others saw Him through normal eyes. If Christ were to manifest clear down to the physical level, we could then look upon him as a normal man, for the glory that blinded Paul would be hidden by the physical body. On the other hand, if a high entity is consciously dwelling on a higher plane, and we ascend in consciousness to meet that entity, then we will "see him as he is". If the entity is quickened by spiritual light, he will have a presence brighter than the sun.
Peter, James and John saw the true glory of Christ on the mount of transfiguration where they saw His face "shine as the sun". Mat 17:2. Here their eyes saw beyond the illusion of the body, and they saw their Master as He was.
Thanks for the links you are sending. One sent by Glenys had a tremendous amount of free reading matter. I recommend you take a look:
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