2006-1-29 09:55:00
I was watching TV the other day and saw a piece on ocean wave energy. When I wrote my series on nuclear and alternative energy I covered this briefly and pointed out that no one had figured out how to economically get power from the ocean.
It looks like that may be changing.
A company called Ocean Power Technologies has developed a buoy that catches the power of ocean waves and turns them into electricity. They believe that this will become perfected to be economically feasible within ten years.
That will be in time to power the floating cities that the lights of the world will soon build.
Their web page is located at:
I have some new ideas on how the cities can be built to be hurricane proof and how to even build on the ocean floor. This will be one of the subjects I will talk about at the next gathering.
It's a poor sort of memory that only works backward. Lewis Carroll (1832 - 1898)
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