2006-1-27 04:21:00
Kevin asks:
Can evil exist without ignorance?
This is a very concise and though provoking question.
First we must define what evil is. Admittedly there are several definitions floating about and the answer may vary according to the one you pick.
The one we use on this list (and hinted at by DK) gives the core principle behind good and evil. It is this:
Good is that which takes us forward in our spiritual evolution and evil is that which takes us backward.
Therefore, for evil to exist without ignorance a person would have to deliberately choose that which takes him on the path of retrogression. About the only way such a choice could be made was if the person were insane, but if he were insane he is probably not aware that he is choosing something truly harmful to himself and is still suffering from ignorance.
Except in the case of insanity each person chooses that which he believes to be in his overall best interest. He may be wrong, and humans often are, but he sees his choice as his best one.
But how about people who take drugs or do other harmful things? Surely they know they are making a bad choice.
Not necessarily. It is true that most realize that taking drugs is destructive, but they would not take them if they did not have their benefits. In the mind of the addict the high they get from the drugs is more of a benefit than the negative effects are a detriment. Because the positive outweighs the negative in their mind they take the drugs, in other words, they are still acting in their perceived best interest.
In reality they are following a path of retrogression or evil because of ignorance. When their ignorance us replaced with sure knowledge and understanding they will make the right decision, one that is really in their best interest.
In conclusion I would say this. No. Evil cannot exist without ignorance. When ignorance is removed the vision of what is in our best interest, as far as progression goes, becomes clear and the right decision is made. In other words, when ignorance is left behind the path of progress is always chosen. This reveals to us the importance of light and knowledge.
When the character of a man is not clear to you, look at his friends. Japanese Proverb
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