2006-1-21 05:02:00
Possible exterior interpretations are interesting here. The church is called the bridegroom of Christ in the scriptures. As such it is an expression of the female aspect of God or the woman.
The 12th chapter of Revelations tells us of two times that the woman (that is, the creative power of the Church) will flee into the wilderness. The first describes suppression of the female power:
And the woman fled into the wilderness, where she hath a place prepared of God, that they should feed her there a thousand two hundred and three score days. Revelation 12:6
In Biblical prophecy a day sometimes means a year so we have a prediction of a period of 1260 years where the creative energy of the church will be hidden in the wilderness of a world dominated by male energy.
This could also refer to three and a half cycles of time beginning sometime after the appearance of Christ, but it is probable that it was written 1260 instead to make us think of years rather than cycles.
When we look back upon our history since the time of Christ we do see that the creative powers of the church were driven into the wilderness and all spiritual work blending the male-female energy was close to non-existent for many centuries. It was only after the establishment of the ensign of a free country, as manifested in the United States was it possible for the female powers to surface again.
The woman came out of the wilderness through the power of the Constitution as well as the numerous spiritual movements initiated here.
But wait! John says the church goes into the wilderness again:
And to the woman were given two wings of a great eagle, that she might fly into the wilderness, into her place, where she is nourished for a time, and times, and a half a time, from the face of the serpent. Revelation 12:14
Instead of 1260 years the second time, the church goes in the wilderness or hiding as written "a time, and times, and a half a time." How long is this? Obviously it is a different time period than the 1260 years, or it would have been written the same. Actually the "time, and times, and half a time" is a type or a symbol of the great spiritual apostasy, but a different length; thus the different wording.
A time is a symbol of a season, a year, or a generation. The "times" spoken of stands for double that length. A "half a time" is, of course, half the length. This adds up to three and one half seasons, years or generations. If we use three and one half prophetic years, this adds up to 1260 days which keeps showing up.
In the second apostasy the woman was "given two wings of a great eagle." (Revelation 12:14) Look on the back of a dollar bill and you will see the symbol of the United States! Two wings of a great eagle! Obviously this prophecy is referring to a time of suppression of female energy right here in the United States.
The two wings stand for political and spiritual creativity and creation. This tells us that after a period of time where political and spiritual creation flourished the power to create constructively was suppressed in the United States.
It is true that many new political programs have surfaced as well as many new churches but where is the constructive and creative power that brings the good, the beautiful and the true? It is as if it has fled in the wilderness.
But three and a half cycles of being in the wilderness are almost over and we are nearing the time again when true political and spiritual creation will manifest again and take us to a higher level just as did the creative minds of the Founding Fathers.
Now let us look at the inner meaning.
Nobody talks so constantly about God as those who insist that there is no God. Heywood Broun (1888 - 1939)
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