2006-1-19 13:39:00
Bryan wrote:
A Question:
When you first announced that you were going to provide (yet) another 'interpretation' (albeit a new one) of the Book Of Revelations I thought (as in a preconceived notion) that like of 'interpretations' (I have either grown up learning or reading) was going to be, well, some 'long laundry list' of 'new stuff'--one thing after another. And while the basic concept is certainly 'new' -- or 'the glasses' new, it appears to me that the same idea is being repeated over and over again.
The whole book is about the spiritual evolution so that idea will repeat a number of times, but the way it repeats will be new. For instance, the last couple posts is about how spiritual contact applies to the group of the disciple who follows the path of Christ. This is new and has not been presented before.
If you are reading this as a repeat of what happens to the original disciple the point is being missed. Now we are into how the group is affected.
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