2006-1-17 03:24:00
Bryan Writes:
I would like an explanation from you as to why it is that when I asked a simple question, that in response to it that you have allowed this post through which I happen to consider to be rude, condescending, and dismissive. It seems that you have 2 rational and mature options:
I have reposted the message below.
I approved it myself because it contained no abusive language and broke no rules of the list. If I rejected this then I would have to reject a quite a few of your posts on the same principle as well as many who disagree with me.
Let me throw this out to the group. Do you think I should have rejected this post?
Rasas's Post
a.) Ignore it.
b.) Seek out the truth of it for yourself (i.e. by cultivating your faculty of discernment and intuition, and by exploring and queiring so as to ensure your understanding of what was presented before coming to opinionated conclusions).
and also an irrational and immature option:
c.) Try to invalidate what does not validate what your preferred perspective and which is not presented in the fashion which you prefer.
The truth has its own validity and does not need to be ratified by any except itself. This you would recognize by seeking out the unveiled and uncompromised Truth of God and Mankind in all things.
I say this because i detect an attitude which would seem seek to invalidate what is percieved as disagreeable on the baisis of somthing which has nothing to do with the truth. This is akin to denying the validity of some teaching or statement because it is not ratified by the Catholic Church.
So instead of actually adressing, rationally and maturely, what is presented, OR ignoring it, such an attitude seeks to invalidate it or subject it to ones personal preferences.
In light of a dispassionate, discerning spiritual attitude, perhaps you might examine what was written without personal charge?
For Your Consideration,
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