2006-1-12 14:16:00
Larry quotes me:
"Let's look at the popular Big Bang theory. Such proponents believe that 14 billion years ago there was no universe, that everything there is resided in what is called a singularity. This is a point infinitesimally small. In such an existence there would have been no motion for there was nothing to move. With nothing to move there would have been no time because time is created by motion."
If I recollect correctly you don't believe in concepts of an infinite regress, as in calculating an exact value for a transcendental irrational number. But you find it convenient to believe in an INFINTESIMALLY small singularity?
You're putting words in my mouth. I didn't say I believed in it. My belief was extensively put in writing in Book 4 so most here should be aware of my belief on the singularity. In the book the singularity was so small that some would call it infinitesimally small, but technically it still has size. Since all life there is asleep and attempting to establish consciousness in our universe there is no one there to register time, space or form which oscillates between spirit and matter.
The Big Band theory accepts the possibility that the singularity could be infinitesimally but they do not know. They also consider it could just be very small.
"If this theory is true ..."
Yes, if things can be INFINTESIMALLY small ... And if one can calculate an infinite regression ...
"… then at this time (for want of a better word) there was no time or space."
You can't even talk about it without using a contradiction in terms. You talk about a time when there was no time. Do you not see the humor in that?
You are missing my point. If the universe is reduced to a singularity (whatever size it is) and we have no form, space and movement in which to register in consciousness then there would be no time for us. Time must have motion of form registered by consciousness to exist.
"Time and space are interesting ideas to contemplate."
They may be interesting to contemplate, but to do so I think you have to be able to hold at least two contradictory ideas as both true in your mind at the same time, and that is illogical.
What contradicts? If there is no motion of form to register in consciousness then there could be no time - at least not time as we define it here.
"Let's look at the popular Big Bang theory. Such proponents believe that 14 billion years ago there was no universe, that everything there is resided in what is called a singularity. This is a point infinitesimally small."
One other thing also - isn't this another example of the "perfect logic" of physics reaching an absurd conclusion?
Here is the logic of the Big Bang Theory.
Since all galaxies are moving away from each other in a fairly uniform manner, as well as analysis of background radiation, it appears from calculations of current data that the whole universe began at a single point. Many thus theorize that the beginning point was small beyond our imagination. It is recognized that this is just a theory and could change with new data.
How is this an absurd conclusion -especially when it allows for error?
Einstein rejected this at first but later accepted it calling his rejection his greatest mistake.
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