2006-1-9 05:44:00
NS writes:
"However what you said about experience, still has not answered my question. Let me elaborate. I am sorry to waste your time like I have, But I must say this.
"That is If time and space is a creation. Above time and space God Is. Experience involving Time. Without time everything IS. Future, past and present. Including all experience within that."
Without time there is no future, past and present. We incarnate into time just as we incarnate into space and matter. When we leave our body behind we are no longer controlled by or use that body. The same goes for time. When you leave time behind, time still exists, just as the matter of a body exists when left behind. Time still goes on in the lower worlds when you are in the higher. It does not cease to be any more than the earth ceases to be after you die.
"Experience then to one free of time and/or space is the end result of all that experience."
The purpose of experience is to master time and space and then to joyfully savor the experience during periods of pralaya.
"Which I would tend to call nirvana since being the lord over time would result in the plan experienced. And the perfection of being.
"Now Why can't I be in such a position? As well as free to do what I want. Can't one be one with itself this way?"
Buddha reached Nirvana in consciousness while he was here yet he had the same limitations of time and space as you do.
It is a fact that we are here. It does little good to wish we were over there when we are here. If you want to go over there you build a bridge, but one must realize that a good bridge is not built overnight.
"You say we are here to have a good time. But I can think of many more good times I could create for myself from the foundation point of liberation out of, where god just is complete. which would be the above time space."
You cannot even imagine what it would be like to be beyond time and space so what makes you think you would enjoy it more?
Your soul has placed you in the spot where you have the greatest opportunity for progress and joy. Don't miss it by shooting beyond the mark.
"You make out that god is not complete by saying the plan is not materialized. but how do you know this?"
Because creation continues. God will never be complete; therefore, He will always create. We should be thankful for this, else we wouldn't be here.
If you want to understand God then look at yourself, who is in the image and likeness of God. Are you complete to the point where you just want to sit back, relax and do nothing for eternity except bask in your completeness? I don't think so. There are periods of rest and absorption, but not completeness.
"Over time it is done. Time distortion has already being proven. Therefore future is gainable in the now. Therefore all future is gainable to God. Yet if god was not complete. Even god does not know what he is doing. (say he for simplicity) If Even gods wisdom is not infinite, god experience not infinite. Then there is no god then but a eternal limitation towards liberation. With no-one really walking in clarity. but even god would walk in blindness."
I do not have time here to write more about time as it is both complex and simple. Suffice it to say that all you can do at present is project yourself into a probable future.
"IT would seem GOD must be free and complete to be god."
Are you free and complete? You are in the image of God. You are his reflection.
"If This is god. Without time and/or space. We should share this infinite experience, infinite wisdom etc with this god, being it ourself. And we should be in it's position. Which is of an eternal and perfect nature. This I would describe as god being. If god is striving to be this. Not even god is god. But merely something that is blind and limited from the fullness of truth."
You are looking at God the way orthodoxy has told you to believe in him. Orthodoxy knows nothing about God except that something is either up there or in here.
The higher realms are in the very space where you live and breathe. All that is needed is to lift your consciousness up to find them. Experience stimulates this.
"And so we should be at this point of liberation in completeness and fullness of god. but we are not."
We should be where we are right now. "Should" only applies to tomorrow. You can plan a new location for the future, but since you can't change the present you might as well accept what is and plow with the horses you have. Any other plan will lead to frustration. I do not get frustrated because I accept what IS, but do not accept what others say WILL BE. I will become that which I decide to become.
"We are in limitation. FROM such a point of liberation all things would be possible. there we could create our 'good times' how we see fit. The difference we could do that will the fullness of wisdom understanding and knowledge.
"Limitation is not always a good time. But by far is the power of being unlimited and having a good time."
And playing Monopoly is frustrating at times, but the pitfalls and limitations are necessary to make a game interesting. Would you rather play Monopoly or a game that is fully under your control where you will win each time? Such a game never sells because people do not enjoy it.
You sound like you need a "get out of jail card" so you can move ahead and enjoy the game.
"You say soul is here at different points gaining consciousness through experience. Yet if soul is connected separateness is an illusion. Therefore the experience of that soul is not separate, nor can its age be.
"In this way you are contradicting yourself."
Visualize soul energy as an ocean and us as the fish. All fish in the ocean are connected by the same universal water, but they are still distinct fish. Now the Solar Angel, which is also sometimes called the soul is an advanced entity who assists you and is linked to other solar angels through the vibrations of the waters of space. There is no contradiction.
"Your understanding of time confuses me. You seem to think time is that which progresses. Yet it cannot be anything in its true nature other than that which is complete as a hologram in eternity rather that a linear streamline. If it was a linear process only. Than time would not be changeable. Time is indeed changable from it's linear perspective as has been proven before."
I'm not sure what you mean. I see no evidence that you can change time. Time is motion. You can change motion as it is headed toward the future, but not the past.
"It is seen as directly involved with consciousness itself and reality. Conquering time would mean conquering all this experience of soul as one. Seeing the eternal picture and being free to chose within that picture."
When you are in the picture you have to work where you are, not where you are not.
"So my question would be. Why are we not already free? What binds us exactly? IF we have a lack of something, why is it so? If god has a lack of something. Why is it so. Why do we not have liberation."
You are not free because after creating countless situations and rising above them, God sat down and really racked his brain and created a situation that would supremely test his intelligence to the max to free himself. You are in this situation with the intelligence of God within you, but it will take a while to solve the riddles and win the game.
Keep moving ahead. When we obtain the victory we will all celebrate, rest for a while and then create a more difficult game than ever.
"You can't help someone get up a hill without getting closer to the top yourself."
-- H. Norman Schwarzkopf (1934 - )
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