Life, Death and Logic
2005-12-23 00:38:00
Let me make just one comment on Woody's posts.
He basically seems to believe that my teachings on abortion will become somewhat canonized and be the cause of the Aquarian Age being known for "the taking of life," apparently meaning the taking of life by abortion.
I don't think so for several reasons.
- First, it can't get much worse than it is right now. In the United States, Canada and numerous other countries you can get an abortion on demand. Many young people getting an abortion are assured there is nothing wrong with it and actually encouraged in this direction.
- Most of those receiving abortions reject the religious view that it is murder and go the other extreme. I teach in a fairly non-religious manner that there are consequences for all actions including abortion. If what I teach is followed then more people will be properly educated and the number of abortions will go down.
- I teach the principle of maximum freedom (as opposed to free-for-all). In such an atmosphere people make the maximum progression toward the light and self-correct. In this atmosphere the general public will come to a middle way realization on abortion.
- Technology will be refined making birth control more effective and morning after pills will make unwanted pregnancies less common.
- I support and will probably be writing about other ideas that will reduce abortion. Among them are.
- Encouraging the education of young people about true principle behind sex, pregnancy and responsibility. The teaching of esoteric principles on a broad basis will also become more acceptable as time goes on and this will reduce abortions.
- Appealing to the poor women who are the most irresponsible by offering them financial incentives to get their tubes tied. This will reduce the number of abortions as well as reduce the amount of welfare that has to be paid out. It will also reduce crime as the offspring of poor single women statistically commit much more crime than those with both a mother and father in the home.
Overall I think that if history records an impact from my teachings that the direction will be toward life and improved quality of life.
Concerning logic, some seem to disagree with my view on this which is:
- The truth is always logical.
- Any false conclusion always involves flawed logic.
- Perfect logic will never lead to a wrong conclusion.
Ahh. You doubt the last one, but I challenge all to try to give an example that proves wrong any of the above three statements. You cannot. Some think you can, but the logic in your example will have a flaw that will be pointed out by me.
What if everything is an illusion and nothing exists? In that case, I definitely overpaid for my carpet. Woody Allen (1935 - )
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