2005-12-5 05:41:00
Art Writes:
This is a wonderful intellectual explanation on why Bush may not have lied and how to correctly view whether something is a lie or not.
However, I do not have to study and read about Bush to get the sense that he is a liar and lied about Iraq from day 1. I think many folks feel they "know" that. Whether we are right on not I guess depends on whether we have clouded our knowing with our intellectual bias.
So this is an interesting question. Logic and reasoning is a wonderful part of who we are. Is this issue with Bush something that you can or have verified with what you call Soul Contact.
If a person is a liar it will only be a short time before you will be able to catch in a lie. If Bush has been lying then he will have had to told lies. I have listened to most of his speeches and read many of his words and so far have found not one lie. I have gone to the Anti-Bush sites which have hundreds of supposed lies and can't find one that holds up. These guys are like prosecuting attorneys who have found someone guilty in advance and use every nit-picky piece of innuendo possible to prove Bush lied. If they came after me they would find at least three lies in this post.
I sensed from the first time I listened to him that he was a basically honest man and later through the Oneness Principle I felt his heart was basically in the right place - that he is attempting to work in the best interests of his country and he believes in telling the truth within his human limitations. I also discovered that the Christ spoke to him during prayer and sent him a strong impulse of spiritual energy confirming to him that he should hold Saddam Hussein responsible even if it meant going to war, and to follow through by creating a democracy in Iraq.
Because the creation of Democracy in Iraq is so important to the Hierarchy we see before us every possible force coming out of the woodwork to discredit Bush and the war in Iraq. BUT unless the dark forces subvert the work history will record the creation of Democracy in Iraq as a positive turning point in history for the Middle East, similar to the liberation of the blacks after the Civil War.
I'm not saying that Bush has never lied, almost all have, but he is much more honest than the average politician.
I also remember the first time I saw Clinton. After watching him for a couple seconds I saw the image of Jimmy Swaggart, the preacher who got in trouble for having sex with a prostitute. This turned out to be a very accurate foreshadowing of his weakness.
I am very committed to honesty. Not only does it feel right with the soul, but it is an essential key to liberation and ultimate mastery. I found in real life experience that I have a high accuracy rate in assessing whether someone is telling me the truth or has good intentions.
I don't recall a time that I had a sense of trust in a customer in our business where I was in error. I also get a strong sense of who I cannot trust, or should give limited trust, which has proven valuable.
Everyone has a purpose in life. Perhaps yours is watching television. David Letterman (1947 - )
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