2005-12-1 00:08:00
Dan's Questions:
I don't think Kim is being consciously deceptive, it looks to me like he is sincere in his belief that he is (being) overshadowed by "Jesus". What do you think JJ, is he consciously trying to mislead?
Yes, I think he is sincere in that he really believes he is channeling the masters. But to get to a point where one can be so deceived he had to miss something along the way to where he is now. Somewhere along the path he had to yield to the false ego over the highest he knew. This is the reason that Shakespeare's adage is so important:
This above all: To thine own self be true
And it must follow, as the night the day,
Thou canst not then be false to any man.
(from Hamlet, by William Shakespeare)
If he would reflect back on that which led him to this false contact he would discover a point where he was not completely true to himself. The trouble is that this is difficult to do; for when you claim contact and it seems true to yourself, there is little motive to backtrack and discover illusion.
Generally speaking I did not read anything that I thought would be any more detrimental to a person's spiritual health (IM limited O) than the standard run of stuff generally available in the mainstream, say in pretty much any church. And a lot of ideas that may be less detrimental. (For instance one of the things I liked was the attempt to bring Jesus down to a more attainable normal "learned man" status than a god/idol/"impossible ideal".) What is your opinion on this JJ, was anything (out of the ordinary) being taught that was especially damaging?
There is no such thing as a detrimental teaching for one who has soul contact. It matters not how outrageous the material which is presented - he who has the tool of verification through the soul cannot be deceived - as long as he remembers to use that tool. Sometimes one who is not totally committed to the soul can be so enticed with a teaching, usually an illusionary shortcut, that he will accept without verification. He makes the mistake of accepting verification of the lower self and conveniently ignores the higher.
If half the material is true then it can be positive stimulation for one with soul contact for it will give him food for thought. If the truth level is too low it will become a waste of time for him to read, but still will not harm him.
For one without sufficient soul contact, the danger of any teaching is that the teacher, or the manuscript itself, will replace the soul within and thus become his personal "beast" the locks the door to the soul. For such a person any error in the teaching puts additional seal on the lock and makes it more difficult to release the beast and again look in the direction of the soul.
Thus will the true teacher teach his students how to avoid the beast and avoid making him into a beast and never discourage them from looking for truth in any corner desired.
As a spiritual teacher I cannot fear for your souls to the extent that I will think: "Wow, I am just a normal human. How can I complete with teachings that claim to come direct from the real Jesus? I must forbid the students from studying such teachings else they leave me."
Every false teacher has this attitude to a degree, but as a true teacher I encourage you to look everywhere and study all that comes before you as you are guided by your souls. If I lose your association for a time that is fine. You are off to learn some new lessons. On the other hand, neither do I ignore a teaching that comes before me but encourage all to examine it in the light of day with the highest of reasoning and spiritual discernment of which he is capable. This is what we are now doing.
Also, I am curious as to your opinion of the source of my reaction to different parts of the site. I mentioned in my replies to Zofia & Ruth that I saw great differences in quality (vibration) in different areas of the site, sometimes even from one paragraph to the next. Was this simply my ego getting stroked when I read things that seemed to agree with things you have said (or I myself have thought) and getting "pricked" where things were contradictory and I simply interpreted this as a "difference in vibration/quality"? (go ahead let me have it, I can take it :-)
I didn't notice this, but I haven't read the while site as you have. I have skimmed over a good portion of it and then stopped at parts that interested me.
If you could find a couple hundred words of one vibration and then a couple hundred of another and post them I would be happy to take a closer look.
I will say this. In the course of my teaching I have received comments something like this a number of times:
"Wow, JJ, when you said such and such you must have really been in the zone. It was like a Master or Higher Power was speaking through you. But when you said XYZ I think you were in the lower personality. When you said this you were only an ordinary guy, or less."
Now we know all my teachings are written by me. There are not a bunch of entities standing in line to express themselves through my computer, yet the vibration of one set of writings will seem to be of a different vibration than another.
This is due to two things:
I will pay a compliment to Kim's writings. I think they are of a higher order, more interesting and more sincere in quality than his mentor Elizabeth Claire Prophet.
But the teachings run counter to the current plan of leading students away from the beast of authority. Almost all of them are presented by a voice of authority which, if true, would be almost sacrilegious to challenge.
The student must be free to question all things without fear of offending God, or Jesus.
Even when Christ comes again, he will not present himself as the Christ so he will not create the beast of authority to those he teaches.
He not busy being born is busy dying. Bob Dylan (1941 - )
Copyright © 2005 by J J Dewey, All Rights Reserved