2005-11-23 01:15:00
NS writes:
While this is a good idea and solution in theory to begin working on this problem, and the highest approach to the situation I have seen anyone propose ever. I am still concerned about how the message would be circulated to get that much support and understanding for the people, givin the structure and context in which people are living in this society. There is alot of people who will obviously fight to slow any progress, when they see progress is attempting to be made.
Keeping this in mind, such a thing would take ALOT of work to achieve support and understaning on the issue.....
I really don't think its going to come to pass with a few signatures and a book or two in the store about it.
I just presented the bare bones idea. This book is not intended to present detailed solutions, but to expose illusionary thinking that tends to divide us. We have to see the problem first before we can find solutions.
To correct the job description of our representatives would take a great effort and we are talking about millions of signatures and reaching the majority of people with the idea.
In a future book I plan on writing in more detail how to create major change. Neither myself or the group is in any position to effect anything of this nature at present, but things change if attention is not broken.
I do agree with LK and believe the use of the term Socialist needs to be replaced with something more modern. Brianwise made a great suggestion.
If you want to turn off a reader in the US just use the word Socialist or Communist in any form and it will magically conjure up negative emotions, but that is JJ's decision, not mine.
My thoughts I have written on what is socialism is not a part of the book but an answer to Johan who is a big believer in socialism, hence I attempted to speak his language.
My thoughts would be composed quite differently if I were to present them in a book to the masses. The ideas could be similar, but I wouldn't present myself in such a way that I would incorrectly appear to want nationalized socialism or am opposed to individual initiative. I don't think I would turn off the average reader.
Underpromise; overdeliver. Tom Peters, in The Chicago Tribune
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