2005-11-21 15:00:00
Johan, for some time now you have evaded answering my question because it will expose the flaw in your argument.
Before we go any further I want you to answer it. If you do not answer the basic question of the argument then it proves you are arguing only for the sake of creating noise.
Again, here is what I want you to answer:
In the country where you live is a citizen free to NOT pay taxes when he is earning above average income?
Therefore, you must agree such citizens are FORCED to pay taxes. Is this true?
A portion of those taxes is spent on social programs. Is this correct?
If the said citizen does not want his tax dollars spent on a particular social program or programs is there anything he can do to prevent this or opt out of the system?
If then his money is taken from him by force and he is forced to spend on social programs (with which he does not agree) then you must admit that force is used. Do you admit this?
We thus have forced socialism do we not?
Like I say, out of the hundreds of members of this list I don't think you will find one who thinks contributions to government socialism is voluntary.
You are the only person I have met in my life who has taken this position. You need to see you are an oddity here as well as being illogical.
We live in a Newtonian world of Einsteinian physics ruled by Frankenstein logic. David Russell
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