2005-11-19 16:37:00
Are you saying I could move to Europe and not be forced to pay for the forced socialist agenda? If this were true thousands of Libertarians would move there tomorrow.
Absolute ridiculous. A libertarian would not say this kind of unarticulated slogans.
What slogan was that?
A libertarian would say what I have said. A libertarian believes in maximum liberty and does not agree with being forced to pay over half his income to support social programs imposed upon him against his will.
Answer this question. Is or is not socialism forced upon the people of Europe? If you say it is not then tell me where I can go and live my life without being forced to pay for wasteful programs imposed upon me.
But perhaps you really think that Europe is one communist bastion?
I mean exactly what I say. Europe is very socialistic and imposes it upon people whether they want to participate or not. Communism has totalitarian rule where there are no free elections and opportunity to change the government.
America is not far behind in forced socialism as many of our politicians see Europe as a socialist model.
Where have I heard this before? Well, from the ultra conservative wings. Again, come over here and have a looksee. There is plenty of freedom here. And it is quiet. Most of the control acts based upon the patriot act are not necessary here. There simply is no forced socialist agenda.
It is quiet? You mean like France?
Of course there is forced socialism there. Even the most zealous supporter knows this. You are forced to pay taxes to support socialist programs whether you want to or not. Where have you been?
Are you denying this? Please answer. Then please tell me where I can go and not be forced to participate.
I think you are far too optimistic. Most americans including you are denying their feelings.
Whose the expert on my feelings? You or me? Certainly not you. Most people here live life without the fears you imagine for us. Because of the extreme bias in the European media the common people have a very warped idea of what life is like here or what is really going on.
I'd be willing to bet you never or rarely read the conservative side of the media. You probably wouldn't even know where to find it. It's obvious you do not from the mindset you present. How can you claim to be objective when you know only one point of view?
The whole patriot act is a law rooted in fear, where most were yelling about protection. Why do people need protection for if they fearless?
People become fearless because they have appropriate protection. Do you not believe in a police force? Do you lock your doors when you are gone overnight? Do you lock your car when you park in the city? Do you practice what you preach about fearlessness?
What the heck have you against socialism? It seems that only the word itself already is disgusting for you, isn't it, JJ ?
It's not socialism that bothers me for I believe in socialism. What bothers me is FORCED socialism. When do-gooders apply force to accomplish that which is good then a great evil is created.
If people are given the option to participate or not participate in a social program then that which is the best will survive. But if a program is created, even with good intentions, and people are forced to slave for it against their will then you create an appendage for the Dark Brotherhood.
I am sorry, in europe we don't like these type of cowboys.
Then you should stay in Europe.
We prefer another tactic. And why do I see again the "them and I" attitude in your remarks?
Funny. That's what I see in your remarks.
You should set the example of freedom before you accuse us of attempting to take it away.
Nonsense. This is demagogy.
Setting a good example is nonsense and demagogy. Weird reasoning.
Look in your own house and tell me why there is so much fear among the US citizens.
Why do you keep mindlessly repeating this when it is not true? You are hypnotized by your biased media over there.
You need to come to Las Vegas or Disneyland and relax for as month or so.
It sounds like you probably spent an hour in Las Vegas and couldn't stand people having a little fun.
You reveal yourself quite a lot, JJ , just in one sentence. It seems that my interests indeed are quite different from yours, JJ . You like your guns, your bets, your gambling, which I don't like at all.
I'm not attached to guns and I do not gamble but I do believe in allowing the maximum freedom of others. It appears that the less freedom that others have the better from your point of view. You do not seem to trust your fellow men to make their own decisions.
There is but One Law. If people truly want to get spiritual , they have to purify their bodies. Unfortunately I don't see any match with this Purpose here.
The Master said this:
"And he called the multitude, and said unto them, Hear, and understand: Not that which goeth into the mouth defileth a man; but that which cometh out of the mouth, this defileth a man." Matt 15:10-11
I agree. Much more important than purifying our bodies is purifying our words which come out of our mouths. Our words are purified with pure hearts that embrace true principles.
That's why I wholeheartedly agree with Woody Allen's comment below, but I am not sure if you would understand this.
Most of the time I don't have much fun. The rest of the time I don't have any fun at all. Woody Allen (1935 - )
I knew this quote was in harmony with you. This is why I selected it. And I do understand your reasoning, but you do not understand mine.
Evil is obvious only in retrospect. Gloria Steinem (1934 - )
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