2005-11-17 19:17:00
Johan writes:Nuclear weapons should be banned regardless of the countries.
It's not as simple as just stating "they should be banned." A logical plan needs to be developed and implemented that gets the cooperation of all the nuclear countries.
Picking on one democracy like Israel will do nothing.
JJ writes:
"Sounds like you're talking about forced socialism as it exists in the European Union."
Forced socialism in Europe? This is one of those typical Republican statements. JJ, you don't know what you are talking about. Come and see for yourself.
I am not a Republican. A Libertarian is the best tag for me. Are you saying I could move to Europe and not be forced to pay for the forced socialist agenda? If this were true thousands of Libertarians would move there tomorrow.
There is no real democracy where people live in fear.
Then I guess we have democracy here for no one I associate with lives in fear including myself. You seem quite fearful however. I think you are seeing your own fears projected on many fearless Americans.
And are you saying that a world order under American moral standards of democracy would be an accepted world order all over the world?
This is an odd question that does not refer to any goal anyone is seeking here, except possibly a very powerless and small minority. The goal is freedom. Then no one is "under" anyone else but are free to decide for themselves.
Is this what the dark brotherhood behind Bush and other world leaders is promoting?
You have the wrong question. It should read: "Is this what the dark brotherhood behind forced socialism and other world leaders is promoting?"
The European Union is proposing numerous laws that will take away even more freedoms. Taxing and over regulating the internet and making harmless herbs and vitamins illegal are just two current examples.
You should set the example of freedom before you accuse us of attempting to take it away.
A material consumerism that is the biggest lie to any spiritual development?
Material consumerism is neither good nor evil. It merely depends on how you use it. You buy and consume materials everyday yourself I am sure. Are you deceived?
It is as Jesus said. It is not what a person consumes that makes him evil, but the words that come out of his mouth.
"Have you ever spent time in the United States? You seem to have a warped view of life here."
I have been in the US twice. What I see in my mind is a dark karmic cloud hanging over America. It is really dark. It is like a malignant pustule that will burst open one day.
It sounds like you probably spent an hour in Las Vegas and couldn't stand people having a little fun.
Most of the time I don't have much fun. The rest of the time I don't have any fun at all. Woody Allen
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