2005-11-15 23:33:00
Johan writes:
Would it not be time then to force Israel also to submit itself to the UN inspectors and to let it remove all its nuclear and biological weapons? ... If we truly want to stabilize a region then all countries should be disarmed, not just the ones of who we THINK they would be the bad ones.
To insist that one nation, people or religion is no more dangerous than another is illusion.
If Saddam Hussein had developed a nuclear weapon a decision to use it would have taken less than five minutes. Iran or North Korea in their present condition are much more likely to use such a weapon than anyone who has it now.
A nuclear weapon in anyone's hands is unsettling, but a country which has a democracy is much less likely to use it than one with a theocratic/totalitarian rule.
Israel has shown restraint for they have had nuclear weapons for many years and have not used them, even though they are under constant threat. They should be no more required to disarm than France, England or the U.S.
I have presented a plan of world disarmament of nuclear weapons. The series is at archive numbers 590, 592, 600, and 604.
However, to set up the new world order requires information, means, intelligence, a certainty for success, and there must be an occasion. These are all reasons that they master. And if there are no sufficient occasions to arrive in order to further this world order, then they are intelligently setting up things in order to create occasions, which aim it is to create fear. All this is fear. By creating fear, the people would yell for protection and will vote for one world order under one government who will guarantee peace even if the whole population must be controlled. This is the Nazi era.
Sounds like you're talking about forced socialism as it exists in the European Union and your neck of the woods. You are the ones getting world acceptance for your brand of New World Order. Bush is pretty much standing alone and doesn't have many lining up for any world order he is promoting. Unless you are talking about independent rule by democracy. Would that be so bad?
Have you ever spent time in the United States? You seem to have a warped view of life here.
It has been said that democracy is the worst form of government except all the others that have been tried. Sir Winston Churchill (1874 - 1965)
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