2005-10-30 02:12:00
Joshua gives some great logic here; some of the best I have seen on the list. It is worth repeating.
Joshua writes:
If it was not a perfect god that created the world, then it would have to be an imperfect god and if this imperfect god were created then he would have had to have been created by some one i.e.: the perfect god. This in turn takes us back to a perfect god creating something imperfect.
But suppose the imperfect god was not created by the perfect god. If he was not created then he would have to be eternal (without beginning or end). If this were the case then there would be an eternal duality the perfect god and the imperfect god. And if every thing was created by an imperfect god we could not have an contact or conception of the perfect god.
Neither could the perfect god have any contact with us. Being perfect and therefore changeless he could never change or move literally or symbolically and thus not make or help us to become perfect. Nor could he have had eternal contact or any kind of oneness with the imperfect god, because such unity would make him imperfect.
Keep up- the good reasoning and much illusion will be dispelled.
Susan writes:
Any point you are making is much stronger if you use as current an example as possible. It comes across very powerfully when you do so, such as below in the North Korea example. It is, on the contrary, sounding very weak, when you do not. I would encourage you to always search for an example for each point to give your book some teeth. I would think if you are struggling for examples you could ask here for some help in coming up with some.
I will be giving specific examples where I deem necessary throughout the book. I have stuck to what I considered to be a minimum of examples in this first chapter as I didn't want it to be too long. Also, the main point I wanted to make was to identify the core difference between the two parties. Perhaps more examples are necessary to verify that difference. If felt there are certain things I said that would be generally accepted by both parties and would not need proof, but perhaps not. I'll read through it again to get a better feel.
I hope your next chapter or somewhere soon points that the more extreme ends of any party resemble the other party. For instance: if you are to listen to extreme republican-leaning conservatives there is a lot of emotionalism in their arguments and not much logic. For instance the other day I got an email from one such person purporting that laptop computers have a government listening device implanted in them for future use at will. After a lot of uproar it was discovered to be a hoax. The amount of people willing to believe that sort of stuff emotionally within the republican party is pretty large.
Both parties are influenced by both mind and emotion. My point is that the Republicans are polarized (more than 50% influence) in mind and the Democrats are polarized in feeling nature.
Extremists in any organization are usually polarized much more heavily in emotion than the mainstream and what mind they use is misused because of illusion. In chapter one I am talking about the mainstream of both parties, not the fringe elements.
You talk here of a conspiracy theory I have not heard before. Fears like this surface on the fringe of both parties, but I do not think the mainstream of either takes something like this seriously.
Speaking of conspiracy theories I have come across one that may have some truth behind it. On Oct 17 Mark DuMucha was on Coast to Coast talking about the life of Nicola Tesla and the upcoming movie about him. See: http://www.coasttocoastam.com/shows/2005/10/17.html
He gave several interesting examples of people who were coming close to developing free energy devices meeting with a terrible fate. I sense there is some truth to this, but how far it goes is hard to say. It does make sense that the power and oil companies would do all in their power to stop the marketing of an energy source that would seemingly destroy them.
Do not pray for easy lives. Pray to be stronger men. Do not pray for tasks equal to your powers. Pray for powers equal to your tasks. Then the doing of your work shall be no miracle, but you shall be the miracle. Phillips Brooks (1835 - 1893)
Copyright © 2005 by J J Dewey, All Rights Reserved