2005-10-6 10:36:00
Steve Writes:
As we have a handwriting specialist on the list, I was wondering if I could pose a couple of questions.
My six year old daughter loves going to school, except for one thing. At the moment, they are teaching her class how to do joined up writing of which she simply hates.
This is good. This shows she has an independent spirit at an early age. Look at how you were taught to write and see how different your writing is now and this will indicate how much your independence has taken you away from what you were taught is the correct ways. Cursive is the normal writing taught in schools because it is deemed nice looking and faster to write than printing - at least for a child.
It would be awkward to teach more than one system of handwriting in today's schools, but once a system has been learned the student should not be discouraged from developing his own style.
Yes, a person can change his personality by changing his handwriting, but neither joined letters or printing is seen as good or bad.
One who joins his letters is more of a team player, and one who separates them likes to do his own thing and be his own boss.
Fortunately for people like me we now type most of our words so our words are easy to read. Good English is the difficult part now.
In Mexico we have a word for sushi: bait. Jose Simon
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