2005-9-30 17:45:00
Susan: Wow. Have you had a good time?
Audience: Yeah!
Susan: We're all cheering you on earlier this morning, Peggy, saying how much fun we had last night?
Audience: Wasn't that fun?
Susan: Yea! We had a good time. I want to just turn a couple of minutes over to Barbara (last name removed), from North Carolina.
Barbara: JJ and Artie? Everybody here in the room would like to share their appreciation for all that both of you do and have done and will do in the future. We have these flowers for you and we have a lovely card that everybody signed.
JJ: How sweet.
Barbara: The flowers are baby breaths for a new beginning for your gathering. We have the beautiful golden flowers for the golden light that you project. We have the white rose for your purity. And we have the trinity of the triad.
Artie: That's beautiful! Thank you.
Barbara: Thank you so much.
Artie: Thank you everybody.
JJ: Thank you.
Audience: Applause.
JJ: Let's take a look at this.
Artie: Oh, everybody signed it. How sweet.
JJ: Yeah. Now I'll be able to analyze all of your handwritings.
Audience: Laughter. I could not find my own name.
JJ: This guy probably is a bank robber right here.
Audience: Laughter.
JJ: We won't tell anybody.
JJ: I just want to finish up just a little bit here. I'm going to read one more thing that I didn't get time to in our communication about overcoming death. One of the most profound writings I've ever read was by Djwhal Khul [DK] through Alice A. Bailey where he actually gives the steps to overcoming death. But he doesn't even tell us that's what they are. He just throws it out there as a quote from the Old Commentary, as he calls it. They're really heavy-duty words and would probably take a whole day of classes to examine them all. But we'll just cover them very briefly and then get on to the meditation.
JJ quoting DK:
"When communion is established, words are forthwith used, and mantric law assumes its rightful place, provided that the One communicates the words and the three remain in silence.
"When response is recognized as emanating from the three, the One, in silence, listens. The roles are changed. A threefold word issues from out the triple form. A turning round is caused. The eyes no longer look upon the world of form; they turn within, focus the light, and see, revealed, an inner world of being. With this the Manas stills itself, for eyes and mind are one.
"The heart no longer beats in tune with low desire, nor wastes its love upon the things that group and hide the Real. It beats with rhythm new; it pours its love upon the Real, and Maya fades away. Karma and heart are close allied; love and desire form one whole - one seen at night, the other in the light of day.
"When fire and love and mind submit themselves, sounding the threefold word, there comes response.
"The One enunciates a word which drowns the triple sound. God speaks. A quivering and a shaking in the form responds. The new stands forth, a man remade; the form rebuilt; the house prepared. The fires unite, and great the light that shines: the three merge with the One and through the blaze a fourfold fire is seen."
(A Treatise on White Magic - Rule Two - The Hindrances to Occult Study, by Alice A. Bailey).
JJ: And there in a compact few words it gives the steps from leaving behind maya to the point where death is actually overcome. A lot of it is written in symbology. For instance he says, "When communion is established, words are forthwith used..."
Well, weren't words used before? "And mantric law assumes its rightful place."
In other words, he's saying the words are used the way they're supposed to be used so that people understand the principles behind them.
Quoting DK: "...provided that the One communicates the words and the three remain in silence."
What's the one that communicates the words and the three remain in silence?
Audience: I would guess the "one" would be the soul and the "three" would be the lower three bodies.
JJ: Right. In other words, provided the one soul communicates the words and the physical, emotional, and mental listen and remain in silence.
JJ quoting DK: "When response is recognized as emanating from the three..." What does that mean?
Audience: Inaudible.
JJ: Yes. The three remain in silence, and then you can feel the soul on the plane of the mind, through your heart and feelings, and clear down to your physical brain. You receive the communication from the soul. When the soul recognizes that you're being communicated to on all these levels. Remember even the Doctrine and Covenants says the spirit will speak to your mind and your heart.
JJ quoting DK: "When response is recognized as emanating from the three, the One, in silence, listens."
JJ: So now it's responding. The physical, emotional, and mental have all received something from the soul. Now the soul stands back and says, "What are they going to do with it? What is the man going to do with the communication that I have sent him?"
JJ quoting DK: "The roles are changed. A threefold word issues from out the triple form."
JJ: What does this mean?
Audience: Creation? (inaudible)
JJ: Right. The roles have changed. First of all the soul communicates to you. Now you are the one that is supposed to do something with what has been communicated. You play the role of the soul. You play the role of God himself-the light of God. You are an agent of the light of God. You take what you received and you do something with it.
JJ: Here's what you do with it. (Quoting DK): "The eyes no longer look upon the world of form; they turn within, focus the light, and see, revealed, an inner world of being. With this the [mind] stills itself, for eyes and mind are one."
JJ: So you see this inner world of being. You begin to take what has been given you from on high. You digest it and you see all the repercussions of it. You go through it, analyze it, you see where it leads you, and use it as a director to direct your life. In other words the soul isn't there every minute telling you what to do. But it communicates with you periodically, and then you take that communication-you digest it-and now the roles are changed and now you act as the soul yourself.
JJ: After all isn't that what a God is--someone that acts for himself?
JJ quoting DK: "[Desire] and heart are close allied; love and desire form one whole - one seen at night, the other in the light of day..."
"When fire and love and mind submit themselves, sounding the threefold word, there comes response."
JJ: "Fire and love and mind..." In other words the fire on the physical level, emotional level, mental level-you sound the threefold word. Does anyone have any idea what that means?
Audience: (Inaudible).
JJ: And what is the true word as we were talking about? What's the true word?
Audience: Principles?
JJ: Principles. The language of soul is the language of principles. When you understand principles on the physical level, how they apply on the emotional level, and how they apply on the mental level you are sounding the threefold word. When you are able to do that-apply principles on all three levels of your being and communicate in principles, understand principles-then there comes a response.
JJ quoting DK: "The One enunciates a word which drowns the triple sound."
JJ: In other words, you've got the understanding of principles on the physical, emotional, and mental levels. Then there comes a day that you receive a sound that is so profound it just drowns them out so that all the principles you understand are insignificant compared to some great revelation you just received.
JJ quoting DK: And then "a quivering and a shaking in the form responds."
JJ: This is a description of when the person becomes a master and his physical body is actually renewed.
JJ quoting DK: "A quivering and a shaking in the form responds. The new stands forth, a man remade; the form rebuilt; the house prepared. The fires unite, and great the light that shines: the three merge with the One and through the blaze a fourfold fire is seen."
Audience: And the fourfold fire is....?
JJ: ...the fires of the four higher worlds that are above the plane of the mind. Anyway, this is really profound. A Treatise on White Magic, on page 20 or 30 or something like that. It's pretty near the beginning. Ok, are there any more questions? I just want to cover those before we go into our last meditation before we end.
God is a kid with an ant farm. Keanu Reeves (from the movie "Constantine")
Copyright © 2005 by J J Dewey, All Rights Reserved